Chapter 752

Chapter 750 Escape

"Why did your parents beat you? It's not that you are so stubborn. You were so vicious at a young age. You studied poison all day long. Not only did you poison innocent people's livestock, but you even experimented on people, so that dozens of people died in your family. House slave, if it weren't for this, how could parents beat you."

Vice President Ouyang recalled what happened when he was a child. Apart from his anger towards Master Ouyang, he had no choice but to say, "Third brother, just stop, don't do such unconscionable things again."

Suddenly, Ouyang Guoshi smiled strangely: "Big brother and second brother, do you know how your parents died? Hehe, they were poisoned to death by me. They were the first test products I developed for half-orcs. It's a pity to do so." After it was completed, it only lived for less than half a day."

"You actually killed your parents!"

Vice President Ouyang was originally a gentle person, but now he was furious, raised his sword and Elder Ouyang called at Master Ouyang.

"I'm going to kill you, a beast that's not as good as a pig or a dog!"

Ouyang Guoshi didn't fight back, but took a few steps back, and the half-orc standing behind him immediately stepped forward and began to fight with the two brothers of Vice President Ouyang.

These half-orcs were much stronger than before, and they couldn't be killed even if they were killed. They were made of people with high cultivation levels, and they soon fell into a disadvantage.

"Go." Dean Qing gave an order, and all the orcs rushed over, and they either beat or killed people they saw.

These people have no thoughts, let alone know how to be tired, and their cultivation base is high, how can they be the opponents of these people.

Luo Li's cultivation level is not high, but fortunately there is Wuying by his side, so there will be no danger for a while, Feng Yunyao directly got Ruan Chengyu and Yu Le into the holy cauldron.

"Master, don't hide me." Mu Yan hurriedly said loudly, fearing that Feng Yunyao would also move him into the cauldron.

He wants to fight side by side with Master outside.

"Frozen spell!" Mu Yan brought all his profound strength and mental strength to the best state.

The orcs around him were instantly frozen.

Mu Yan was immediately happy, "Master, I can freeze these things."

It was only after he said this that Dean Qing, who was standing outside the battlefield, came over with a ball of fire. The fire covered the orcs, and the ice on them melted instantly, and they began to attack Mu Yan again.

"Fuck, the freezing time is too short."

While dodging the attack, Mu Yan cast Freeze on the surrounding orcs.

But no matter how much he froze, he would be easily released by Dean Qing.

Soon Mu Yan's forehead was dripping with sweat, making him feel dizzy.

"Fuck me, if I don't show off my power, treat me like a sick cat!"

Mu Yan was furious immediately, and stomped his foot on the ground forcefully, knocking out all the strength.


The ground froze in an instant, and the ice was like a huge ice knife, attacking Dean Qing.

"I didn't expect you to have two brushes." Dean Qing was very surprised, he flew up, and saw the icicles chasing after him, forming curved icicles in the air, don't be too cool.

"I'll let you see how powerful I am." Mu Yan suddenly became enraged, it was the first time he had used such an imposing freezing technique.

Fuck, you can still chase people.

The surrounding orcs were also affected, and a dozen or so were frozen instantly, and the ground was covered with ice everywhere.

Now everyone is completely fighting on the ice. People have the consciousness of dodging, but the half-orcs don't. The ice is very smooth, and those half-orcs keep staggering and wrestling.

Seeing this, Feng Yunyao took out bags of pills from the cauldron and sprinkled them all on the ground.

As a result, the half-orcs began to stumble, which gave them a chance to breathe a sigh of relief when they were at a disadvantage.

Although Mu Yan couldn't kill the half-orcs, he still restrained Dean Qing and controlled some of the half-orcs.

Although Feng Yunyao wrestled with the orcs, she secretly focused on Ouyang Guoshi.

While beating, she shifted towards him, and soon reached a certain distance, Feng Yunyao quickly released the gold wire net, trapping the three orcs who were attacking her directly.

The long whip in her hand seemed to have eyes, and hit directly at Ouyang Guoshi, wrapping around his neck in an instant, the barb on the silver whip pierced into the flesh, she withdrew her bare hands, and Ouyang Guoshi's head fell directly to the ground.

The icicles chasing Dean Qing quickly shattered from the sky, and fire hit the ground one after another, unsealing the frozen ground.

After he fell to the ground, he found that Ouyang Guoshi was headless, his body shook a few times, and he fell to the ground.

"You killed him!" Dean Qing looked at the headless Ouyang Guoshi on the ground, how could he not be angry, this is his right-hand man.

A direct slap towards Mu Yan, the wind of the palm was icy, roaring, and slapped Mu Yan directly.

"Mu Yan get out of the way!"

The silver whip in Feng Yunyao's hand flew out, wrapped around Mu Yan's waist and pulled towards a safe place, but it was still a step too late, Mu Yan was hit on the shoulder, and immediately passed out.

If Feng Yunyao hadn't pulled him, I'm afraid Zhang Feng would have passed through him right now.

Feng Yunyao got Mu Yan into the holy cauldron, and then got Luo Li in, and asked him to heal Mu Yan.

Without Mu Yan's help, the half-orcs gained the upper hand again. Their strength was far from that of Dean Qing's side. They were no match for these half-orcs at all, and soon they were caught one by one.

In the end, only Feng Yunyao was left.

"Ayao, go!" Lin Lang yelled at Feng Yunyao, because he was too far away from Feng Yunyao during the fight, and he was restrained before he could save him.

"Leave us alone, hurry up!" Dean Ye and the others shouted at Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao looked at the half-orcs who were attacking her with expressionless faces, dull expressions, and their eyes were out of focus, and they clenched the Dragon Spirit Whip tightly.

She is no match for these half-orcs at all, not to mention that there is also a Qing Dean, who stays here only to be caught.

Just go, can she go?

Feng Yunyao glanced at the sky above, if she guessed correctly, Dean Qing had set up an enchantment above.

"Xiao Ling, I'll see you later."

The little Wu Ling got out of the cauldron, stood on her shoulder, and bit her finger.

At the same time, Feng Yunyao released the Qianli Yinhe, turned on the stealth function, and flew straight towards the sky.


Reaching the sky, the little Wu Ling pointed to the sky and sacrificed a blood talisman.

I thought it would break the barrier like before, but Feng Yunyao rushed up, and was directly shot back by an invisible force. If she hadn't reacted quickly, she might have fallen to the ground.

Dean Qing smiled proudly at Feng Yunyao: "How about the enchantment that I specially set up for you? This little witch spirit beside you can break the enchantment, but it's a pity that its cultivation base is imprisoned, and it cannot use all of its cultivation bases. Play it out, you can't break the enchantment of this deity."

(End of this chapter)

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