Chapter 810 How She Recognized Him
Chapter 810 How She Recognized Him
When Feng Yunyao came out of the imperial palace, she saw Gong Lianxue waiting outside the palace gate, and when she came out, she hurriedly greeted her.

"Ayao, Your Majesty didn't make things difficult for you, did you?" There was concern in the voice.

"No." Feng Yunyao smiled.

Seeing that she was really fine, Gong Lianxue was relieved, and took her hand, "You and I go back to my house, my grandfather must be very happy to see you."

It was said before that the young monarch recovered from the Sanctuary is probably their little princess. Her grandfather also said that he would take some time to visit the Sanctuary. Unexpectedly, Her Highness the Princess came to the Nether Realm.

"Next time, I'm going to take revenge." Feng Yunyao looked in the direction of God's Realm, a glint flashed in her eyes.

"Revenge?" Gong Lianxue's eyes couldn't help but brighten, "Ayao, who do you seek revenge for, I'll help you."

Feng Yunyao pursed her lips and said with a smile: "God Emperor."

"God...Emperor?" Gong Lianxue frowned, "Ayao, did the treacherous villain God Emperor bully you?"

The people in the realm of the gods have a decent appearance all day long, and they do all kinds of shameless things, especially the shameless god emperor, who has plotted against them in the underworld. However, since the current underworld emperor took over the underworld, the gods The emperor put his tail between his legs and behaved like a man, and he didn't dare to provoke trouble again.

Ayao is the princess of the underworld and the young monarch of the sanctuary. The god emperor must be afraid that they will see the combination of the two realms in the face of the princess, so he will make things difficult for her before the highness is not strong, and even kill her. Heart.

Feng Yunyao simply explained the fact that the God Emperor schemed her into the Qiankun Valley, and entering the Qiankun Valley was voluntary, but it also meant that she was resigned to other people's schemes.

"It's really the style of a despicable villain, the God Emperor!" After hearing this, Gong Lianxue couldn't help cursing, "Ayao, since you guessed why the God Emperor has evil intentions, why did you enter the valley of the universe, didn't you fall for him? trap?"

The Qiankun Valley is a very scary place. Few people who enter it can come out alive so far. A smart person like A Yao should not be unaware of it.

Feng Yunyao turned her head and glanced at the imperial palace, her eyes deepened, "I want to find someone, I heard that you can find a soul in the deep valley of the universe."

"Looking for someone?" Gong Lianxue followed her gaze, and suddenly understood, "The person you are looking for must be Your Honor?"

For some reason, it may also be a woman's sixth sense, she always feels that there is something between A Yao and the Lord.

Feng Yunyao smiled and nodded, "Well, I can be sure that Emperor Hades is the person I'm looking for."

"Master, why do you keep saying that the Underworld Emperor is Ah Jiu? I wonder why you don't have the ability to see through the soul body. Could it be because of your intuition?" Xiao Bai was very puzzled. Even the dragon couldn't see the connection between Underworld Emperor and Emperor Jiushang, so how could the master.

This time Feng Yunyao was not silent, and said in a low voice: "In the human world, I used Long Xinjue (Wang Kui) to recruit Ah Jiu's soul. Long Xinjue has already returned to my body, but I can sense the breath of Long Xinjue from Underworld Emperor, as long as the soul body is contaminated with Long Xinjue, I can sense it."

When she saw Emperor Hades for the first time, she was attracted by his back and the aura similar to Ah Jiu, but when she approached him, she clearly sensed the aura of Long Xinjue on him, which is why she was sure. He is Ah Jiu.

Thinking of Emperor Ming's refusal to admit it, the light in Feng Yunyao's eyes dimmed.

"No wonder." Xiaobai pursed his lips in understanding, put his paws on his round chin, and thought deeply, "Since Emperor Underworld is Ah Jiu, why doesn't he admit it?"

"Oh my god, maybe it's because Ah Jiu has lost his memory because of the bloody tricks." Xiao Bai suddenly widened his eyes, with an expression of 'I'm really smart'.

When it was in the human world, it read some bloody love novels, amnesia, drugging, etc. are all indispensable parts of love novels. It did not expect that the master and the master master also ran into each other.

"I think what Xiaobai said is right." Gong Lianxue nodded and said, "200 years ago, Your Majesty began to retreat and didn't show it to others until last year. A Yao returned to the Three Realms from the human world last year. Time By the way, Lord Bacheng forgot about the things in the human world, what is this called..."

"Intermittent amnesia." Xiao Bai immediately added.

"Yes, it's intermittent... No, it's intermittent amnesia. His lord just forgot things about the human world, but he still remembers everything else clearly. It should be selective amnesia."

"It seems to be the case."

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes slightly, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of her lips.

It would be great if he really lost his memory. If he lost his memory, she would definitely not give up. She would try her best to help him recover his memory and chase him back. Unfortunately, he didn't lose his memory.

Feng Yunyao raised her eyes, and the light in her eyes returned to her usual indifference, "Axue, I'll take my leave first, and I'll meet you again when I come back from Qiankun Yougu."

Even if it is confirmed that Emperor Underworld is Emperor Jiushang, she still wants to go to Qiankun Valley this time. She wants to see what happened to him. The Qiankun Mirror can illuminate everything, and maybe she can find unexpected things.

Also, the more she fights, the faster her cultivation will improve, especially with extremely high-cultivated beasts. I heard that the Qiankun Valley is a very dangerous place, so she will make a dash for it, and I believe there will be unexpected gains.

The responsibility on her body does not allow her to be an incompetent person. Only by standing at the highest point can she protect the person she wants to protect and do what she wants to do without resistance.

"I'm going to Qiankun Valley too." Gong Lianxue's eyes lit up, she grabbed Feng Yunyao's sleeve, "Ayao, I'll go with you."

Fighting side by side with A Yao in the Nine Demon Cave, it was hearty, not to mention how happy it was.

Even if it is dangerous to enter the deep valley of the universe, she will go there. As a citizen of the underworld, what she is most afraid of is fighting. If she doesn't break through, how will she know her own strength? Can swish upwards.

Feng Yunyao frowned, "The Qiankun Valley is very dangerous, why don't you discuss it with Ming Xiang."

"No need." Gong Lianxue waved her hand, and said very simply, "Grandfather must agree with me."

If she disagreed, she would go, so she made the decision for her grandfather.

At this moment, a steady voice came from behind, "Your Highness, just let this girl follow you, and let her learn more."

Seeing the person coming, Gong Lianxue's expression became much lighter, and she hurriedly greeted him, "Grandfather."

Feng Yunyao looked at the very energetic old man with white hair and childlike face, and cupped her hands at him, "Mingxiang."

"The old minister sees Your Highness the Princess." Ming Xiang saluted Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao hurriedly supported him, "Mingxiang please get up."

She is not a princess now, after all, in the eyes of the world, the current Underworld Emperor has nothing to do with her, and Mingxiang still respects her so much, which shows that Mingxiang is her father's old subordinate.

Ming Xiang got up, and was very pleased to see Feng Yunyao's outstanding temperament, even more calm and generous.

In the future, His Royal Highness will inherit the position of Emperor of the Underworld, and I believe that the Underworld will be even stronger in her hands.

With Ming Xiang's consent, Feng Yunyao and Gong Lianxue went to the God Realm together.

(End of this chapter)

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