Chapter 811 The Destructive Existence

Chapter 811 The Destructive Existence

When she arrived at God's Domain, Feng Yunyao directly signed up to visit the God Emperor.

When the gatekeeper learned of Feng Yunyao's identity, he hurried in to report, and soon came out to let them in.

This is Feng Yunyao's second visit to God's Realm, the Emperor's Palace is obviously much colder than during the God Emperor's birthday, the attendants are all doing their own things, and they pass by without attracting the attention of others.

"It's so deserted here, without any human touch." Gong Lianxue came to God's Domain for the first time, and she was inevitably curious about it, "Is this also the case in Sanctuary?"

"No, the life of the people in Sanctuary is more lively, and the palace is also more casual than here."

Gong Lianxue pursed her lips and said with a smile: "After finishing the work, I will go to the sanctuary with you, okay?"

"it is good."

When they arrived at the palace where the god emperor was, the attendants leading the way retreated quietly.

When the god emperor saw Feng Yunyao, he put down the memorial in his hand, showing a surprised expression, "You really are a rare visitor, why did the young monarch think of looking for me?"

Could it be that he regretted entering the valley of the universe and asked him to cancel the oath on the Nuo Shen Stone, but it is a pity that once he swears on the Nuo Shen Stone, he will either complete the oath or suffer the backlash of the Nuo Shen Stone, which even he cannot bear. What's more, she is still a girl with a low level of cultivation. Regardless of whether she enters the valley of the universe, this young monarch of the sanctuary is probably about to be abolished.

This girl is not only the young monarch of the sanctuary, but also the only royal blood in the underworld. The royal blood is very important to the underworld, let alone the only one. In other words, it is the existence of God. Once she competes with the Underworld Emperor for the position of Underworld Emperor, there will definitely be more people in the Underworld who support the royal blood than Underworld Emperor. At that time, the Sanctuary and the Underworld will become one, and it will do no harm to the God Realm. , he absolutely can't let this kind of thing happen.

If you want to cancel the merger of the sanctuary and the underworld, you have to kill this girl. After she dies, the underworld and the sanctuary will not be able to join forces.

Killing the princesses of the Sacred Realm and the Underworld Realm aboveboard will inevitably arouse the anger of the two realms. At that time, the God Realm is more likely to be destroyed. This is also the reason why he did not take action. It doesn't matter to him, he just mentioned it casually, it's up to this girl to decide whether to enter Qiankun Valley or not.

Originally, he thought it was unlikely, after all, few people dared to enter such a place as the Qiankun Valley, but this girl was too conceited, not only wanted to enter, but also swore an oath on the Nuo Shen Stone.

However, he lost even more to God's Domain. Several of his excellent sons, especially Fan Jing, went with them. Feng Yunyao, a girl who has been living in the human world, does not know how powerful the Qiankun Valley is, but he However, his sons knew that they would swear an oath on the Nuo Shen Stone even though they knew that they would die in the deep valley of the universe, especially his most proud son, Fan Jing, who was usually very stable, but this time he was also fooled by Yue Xi up.

Thinking that he might lose a dozen outstanding sons at once, the pride in the God Emperor's heart disappeared instantly.

Yuexi's daughter was buried with such an excellent son, thinking about it, she wished she could kill Yuexi, a stinky bitch.

However, Fan Jing's cultivation level is high, and he should be able to come out alive after entering the valley of the universe. As for the others, he can only resign himself to fate. What he can do is to give them more magic weapons and elixirs for protection. As for the others, he can only rely on them Own.

"It's not Ah Yao, I'm looking for something to do with the God Emperor." Gong Lianxue took two steps forward and saluted.

The God Emperor was a little surprised, squinting his eyes and looked at Xia Gong Lianxue thoughtfully, making sure he didn't know him, "Who are you?"

"I am Gong Lianxue, the granddaughter of Mingxiang in the Nether Realm. I heard that the Valley of the Universe is about to open. I also want to go in and learn more. I also heard that the Young Monarch of the Sanctuary and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Divine Realm both made promises on the Nuo Shen Stone. I also want to follow the trend and make a promise with everyone, so I took the liberty to come here, and hope that the God Emperor can fulfill it."

"Mingxiang's granddaughter?" The god emperor lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, and then he knew her identity. The status of the underworld is in the underworld, and it is tied with the three kings after the underworld emperor. It seems that Mingxiang has three grandsons and one granddaughter. The granddaughter is also very doting, although these are insignificant things, but the identity of the ghost has also given him a little understanding of his family.

In this way, Gong Lianxue's status is not low.

The God Emperor sat up slightly, and said in the tone of an elder: "Child, do you know that stepping into the valley of the universe is equivalent to entering the gate of hell?"

"So what." Gong Lianxue said disapprovingly, "The thing we people in the Nether Realm are not afraid of is danger. As a child of the Nether Realm, how can we be afraid of it?"

"Okay, since you said that, if I don't fulfill you, wouldn't it appear that I am too immature and beautiful." Since you want to die so much, then die with Feng Yunyao, the more nobles in the underworld die, the better What's more, if this girl dies, Mingxiang might be pissed to death. Once Mingxiang dies, it is equivalent to breaking an arm of the royal bloodline. After all, Mingxiang supports the royal bloodline.

The God Emperor raised his hand, and a ball of white light appeared in his palm, and then the Nuo Shen Stone floated on his palm, and he waved to Gong Lianxue, "Come on, child."

Gong Lianxue stepped forward, put her hand on the Nuo Shen Stone, and began to swear.

At this moment, suddenly, a white shadow flew over, as fast as lightning, and when the God Emperor realized that the Nuo Shen Stone in his palm had disappeared, he saw that the Nuo Shen Stone was actually in Feng Yunyao's hand.

Feng Yunyao quickly moved Gong Lianxue into the Holy Cauldron with her thoughts, holding the Nuo Shen Stone with one hand, and sneered at the God Emperor, "God Emperor, what do you think will happen if I break it?"

"You, how dare you!" The God Emperor's complexion suddenly changed, and he had long since lost the confidence of the previous superior. He suddenly became murderous, and he scolded Feng Yunyao, "If you don't want to die, hurry up and get the Nuo Shen Stone .”

Feng Yunyao ignored him, her other hand was already on the Nuoshen Stone, she still had a wicked smile on her face, "I heard that once the Nuoshen Stone is broken, those who make a contract with it will put the unfinished Nuoshen Stone on it." If you make the promise once, you will be backlashed by the promiser several times or even a hundred times if you fail to fulfill it. In order to verify whether it is correct, I plan to smash the promise stone to see."

Following her words, the Nuoshen stone turned into powder with a bang.

"Damn it!" The god emperor suddenly became furious, and the thunderous palm wind roared towards Feng Yunyao. If it was Feng Yunyao before, under such a powerful force, she would be scared away, but now she was beaten. In the sky, where is Feng Yunyao's figure?

The God Emperor turned from anger to shock, he looked at his hand in disbelief.

How could it be, he had hit [-]% of his cultivation just now, not to mention that even her mother would have difficulty getting out of this girl, but she didn't even touch the corner of her clothes.

In just a few days, how could her cultivation improve so much.

Could it be a demon?No, only demon spirits can't progress so fast. Golden dragons, dragons respect golden dragons. This girl is a rare golden dragon for hundreds of thousands of years. It seems that the power of golden dragons can destroy the world. land, not to mention the blessing of demon spirits.

I thought it was trash at first, but I didn't expect it to be an existence that even he was jealous of.

The face of the god emperor is getting uglier, but it is not their God's Domain who are so powerful, which is a threat of near extinction for the God's Domain.

It seems that he has to find a way to get rid of this girl before her wings are full!

(End of this chapter)

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