Chapter 817
Chapter 817
"Who could it be?" Mo Qingyan felt lingering fear at the thought of that powerful force, but fortunately, the other party had no ill intentions towards him, otherwise, with his cultivation base, he might not even be able to resist a single move.

"Since there is nothing wrong with us, don't care who he is, it's important to find the Qiankun Mirror." Feng Yunyao glanced in one direction and said thoughtfully.

"Young Monarch is right." The high priest looked around with the Guangxi Mirror, and he could see the surroundings. There was no one around, obviously the person who just helped Mo Qingyan was unwilling to show up.

Gong Lianxue handed the compass to the high priest. Among them, he was the only one who was well-informed, and it was more appropriate for him to lead the compass.

The high priest didn't refuse either. The Qiankun Valley is too dangerous, so they had better find the Qiankun Mirror quickly and leave.

Several people returned according to the long distance, and continued to walk towards the south.

Encountered many ferocious beasts along the way, but they were all resolved one by one by several people, and they quickly walked out of the fog.

It's just that they just came out of the fog, and suddenly the ground under their feet became soft, and then turned into a vortex, swallowing them in.

Feng Yunyao opened her eyes and found that she was in the human world, this place looked familiar.

Suddenly, many people appeared, including her parents in the human world, Feng Xiao and Lan Xinyue.


Feng Yunyao frowned slightly, and suddenly understood in her heart that this was an illusion, and these people were all fake.

Could it be that he still wants to use illusion to kill her?
At this moment, Wuyou appeared in front of him tied to a cross made of wooden sticks. His hair was white and his head was lowered as if he was dead.

"Worriless?" Knowing that this is not true, Feng Yunyao's grief, self-blame and anger spewed out.

The color of the eyes alternates between silver and black.

Not true, all this is fake, not worry-free!

Feng Yunyao clenched her fists, trying to calm herself down.

"Hahaha, Feng Yunyao, you are a coward. You watched your friend die in vain, but you didn't dare to save him. Coward, hahaha..."

The ear-piercing laughter pierced the eardrums and went straight to the heart.

Feng Yunyao closed her eyes and tried her best to control the restlessness in her body.

At this moment, screams came from next to my ear, and another 'Feng Yunyao' appeared unexpectedly.

This is 'Feng Yunyao' who was controlled by the demon spirit. Her eyes were silver-gray and full of hostility. Those who laughed at her were killed by 'Feng Yunyao'.

'Feng Xiao' suddenly appeared in front of 'Feng Yunyao', stretched out his arms, and said distressedly and anxiously: "Yaoyao, don't kill any more people."

'Feng Yunyao' was like an emotionless killing machine, walking towards 'Feng Xiao' step by step. Suddenly, she turned into a bolt of lightning and directed towards 'Feng Xiao'.

"Don't!" Feng Yunyao wanted to call 'Feng Yunyao', but she seemed to be shielded, and wanted to step forward to stop her, but 'Feng Yunyao' passed through her body directly.

Just at this moment, a white figure flew over and stood in front of 'Feng Xiao'.

The arm of 'Feng Yunyao' directly passed through Di Jiushang's heart, and the bright red blood soaked his white clothes, and the red blood clothes hurt his eyes.

Knowing that all of this was false, the heart-wrenching sadness made her tremble all over, as if her dantian was about to split open, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ah! It's all fake!" Feng Yunyao exhausted all her willpower and burst out all her strength.

The power that destroys the sky and the earth shakes the earth, dark clouds billow, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, and in an instant, the picture in front of me vanishes into nothingness.

Then came a few screams.

Soon Feng Yunyao withdrew the strength in her body, and the ground that was originally flat has become ruins, full of potholes.

Although it has passed for a long time, this is still a hurdle in her heart that she can't get over. The kind of grief and self-blame that her loved one was killed by herself in vain, has now been dug out and experienced again.

"What's going on, what's going on with that powerful force just now?"

Before, everyone was trapped by the inner demons, and a powerful force burst out suddenly. Although they were affected and injured, they were pulled out of the inner demons, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Young Monarch, are you alright?" The high priest was unable to extricate himself from a life-long regret incident he committed when he was young, and suddenly woke up, only to realize that it was just an illusion.

"It's okay." Feng Yunyao wiped the blood stains from the corner of her lower lip, her eyes were cold, and although she had experienced the pain in her heart again, she was much more relaxed than before.

All the past is gone with the wind, too attached to the past, it is always bad for oneself.

I don't know what happened to my parents, worry about him...

Feng Yunyao glanced into the distance, and saw the God Emperor and his sons, all of them were more or less disappointed, obviously affected by her.

"Feng Yunyao, do you want everyone to be buried with you?" Others might not be able to see that the power just now came from Feng Yunyao, but he knew it clearly. The girl can do it.

"Are you dead?" Feng Yunyao frowned slightly, obviously quite impatient.

"You!" The God Emperor clenched his fists tightly, and his face was hard to maintain. It was dark and terrifying, "You dare to curse me."

"Since he didn't die, why talk about being buried with him?" Feng Yunyao turned and left, ignoring him.

The high priest snorted coldly and said: "God Emperor, as an elder, you are clearly alive and well, but you poured sewage on the body of my young monarch, not to mention that you are still controlled by the demons, you are a villain who will repay your favor! "

After finishing speaking, she raised her chin arrogantly and followed Feng Yunyao.

Fan Jing looked at their backs as they went away, and frowned slightly, "Father, we should not make enemies with the Sanctuary."

Feng Yunyao's strength is too terrifying, to be an enemy of such a person is undoubtedly courting death.

"Kyoung, you probably won't marry her." The God Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly. Originally, he had such a plan to let his son marry the only young monarch of the Sanctuary, which was tantamount to annexing the Sanctuary.

Fan Jing couldn't help laughing at himself when he heard the words, "Father, you think highly of Erchen, even if Erchen wants to marry, he will not look down on Erchen."

"Since she refuses to marry you, she has no choice but to die!" The god emperor suddenly had a killing intent, such a powerful person could only die, and it would be a disaster to stay.

Fan Jing frowned. He didn't know what to say. He knew that once his father made a decision, it would be very difficult for others to change it. But if he continued to fight with Feng Yunyao, God's Realm might be in danger. The odds are slim.

The God Emperor saw his worry, and was somewhat dissatisfied with this indecisive son, but he explained, "I did underestimate the enemy before, but I have already figured out how to deal with Feng Yunyao, she won't live long .”

"What way?" Fan Jing said, to be honest, even if the father could kill Feng Yunyao, he didn't want to be her enemy from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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