Chapter 818 Your Majesty Is A Woman?
Chapter 818 Your Majesty Is A Woman?
The four of Feng Yunyao kept walking towards the south, and the journey was extremely dangerous, but they resolved them one by one.

They had just dealt with a snake-shaped beast, and the high priest suddenly called out when they were about to leave, "Young Sovereign is bad, compass, compass..."

Feng Yunyao took the compass from him, and the pointer of the compass swayed wildly, as if she had encountered something terrible. In the past, there was only a slight reminder when she encountered danger, but this time she swayed crazily. The fierce beasts encountered before were several times or even more powerful.

At this moment, a huge vortex appeared in the sky, coming straight towards them.

"Tornado?" Although it looks like a tornado, Feng Yunyao doesn't think it's that simple.

"God of Wrath!" The high priest suddenly widened his eyes and shouted, "Get out of here quickly, the wrath of the gods will kill thousands of miles, how could this thing be hidden in the valley of the universe."

This guy has been sealed in the border of the southern sky, how could he appear here.

"Everyone, enter the holy cauldron quickly." Feng Yunyao wanted to transfer everyone into the holy cauldron, but she couldn't open the holy cauldron, and it failed at this time.

"It's useless, all artifacts will be useless in front of the God of Wrath, I will run against you." The high priest felt that he was the oldest, and it was worth sacrificing himself to protect everyone.

It's just that the God of Wrath didn't give them a chance to escape, the originally solid ground was instantly replaced by a vortex, and the four of them hurriedly flew up.

When the vortex came down, Feng Yunyao quickly formed a barrier, covering everyone in it. Seeing this, the others quickly injected power into the barrier to strengthen the barrier.

In an instant, the sight of Kung Fu was swallowed by the yellow dust, and the surrounding living creatures were distorted and torn into powder at the speed of the naked eye.

"This, what is this thing, why is it so scary." Gong Lianxue's face was pale, it was the first time she encountered such a terrifying lethality, the ancient beasts before were not enough to look at in front of the God of Wrath.

"God of Wrath, wherever it goes, there is no way out." The high priest frowned, and his face became even more solemn. This time, they might be in danger.

The pressure outside the barrier kept increasing, as if it was about to squeeze the people inside the barrier flat, Feng Yunyao and the others were struggling more and more, and Ruan Luo and Xiao Bai who were staying in the holy cauldron could not get out either. They can't get in either.

Soon Gong Lianxue and Mo Qingyan were defeated, they sat down powerlessly, but still gritted their teeth and injected the remaining meager strength into the barrier, hoping to help Feng Yunyao share some of the burden.

"Ayao, go by yourself." Mo Qingyan had already given up, Yin'er was gone, and even if he found the Qiankun Mirror, the possibility of saving her was very slim, so he could go find her.

Gong Lianxue's face was pale, she gasped for breath, her strength had reached the limit, "The fox is right, Ayao, you go by yourself, maybe you still have a chance of surviving."

I believe that Feng Yunyao's cultivation can protect her for a long time, but if she protects four people, it is equivalent to quadrupling her size. It is better to survive alone than to be buried here.

The high priest also agreed with the two of them, even if he had decades of cultivation, he couldn't resist for long.

"Young Monarch, the old minister will pass on the rest of his cultivation to you. I hope you can survive. The Sanctuary needs you." The high priest has already made a sacrifice. He can die, but the Young Monarch cannot die.

Seeing that each of them was dying, Feng Yunyao frowned even tighter. She exerted her strength again, injecting strength into the barrier, and replaced the three of them.

"I see that this wrathful god only crushes living things, and doesn't attack dead things. Axue, I have a Qiankun bag on my waist. Take out an iron crane from it."

Hearing her order, Gong Lianxue quickly got up, untied the Qiankun bag from Feng Yunyao's waist, rummaged through it, and took out Qianli Yinhe, "Is it this one?"

"Yes, you follow my method and turn it on."

Gong Lianxue quickly figured out how to use Qianli Yinhe, and went in with Mo Qingyan. At this time, only by following Feng Yunyao's arrangement would she not cause too much trouble for her.

"Young Monarch, what about you?" the high priest asked hesitantly.

Hearing her voice, it was obvious that he didn't intend to go in. If he really had to sacrifice one person, he was willing to stay.

"Come in!" Feng Yunyao's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, struggling to hold on.

Qianli Yinhe is too big, she needs to expand the barrier to maintain it, this old man is still beeping here, if she doesn't hurry in, she will not be able to hold on.

The high priest also saw it, dared not disobey, and jumped in hastily.

The moment he entered, Feng Yunyao reduced Qianli Yinhe to a smaller size and threw it into the Qiankun bag.

She was alone, obviously much more relaxed, but there was no way to hold on like this all the time, she had to find a way to leave.

Feng Yunyao supported the barrier and tried to move forward, but every step she took, the pressure on her body became heavier.

Obviously, the best thing here is not to move, but if she doesn't move, her strength will be exhausted sooner or later, and what awaits them is still death.

"Mr. Mo, tell me about all the angry gods." Mr. Mo is the high priest.

After entering Qianli Yinhe, the high priest obviously felt much more relaxed. Hearing her words, he didn't dare to slack off, and quickly said everything he knew about the God of Wrath in his head.

"The God of Wrath is an evil god left from the ancient times. It led a group of evil spirits to do evil everywhere, and almost lost their lives. There were also many good gods at that time, but they were not the opponents of the evil gods. The good gods suffered many casualties in the fierce battle. In order to defeat the evil gods, the remaining four good gods decided to gather all their powers on the only goddess Liuli. Although they did not kill the evil gods, the goddess Liuli used herself to kill the evil gods and the evil spirits. The seal is on the border of the southern sky, that's all the veteran knows."

It's been too long, and there are very few records in the ancient books, even if he collected all the books, he knew very little about the God of Fury.

"The boundary of the southern sky?" Feng Yunyao's eyes moved slightly. Didn't the Underworld Emperor transform into a spiritual stone from the boundary of the southern sky?

"That's right, isn't Emperor Hades transformed from a spiritual stone on the border of the southern sky? Is the goddess Liuli his original body? Because he left, God of Wrath ran out from the border of the southern sky because he lost his seal." Mo Qingyan Really analyzed my own insights.

Gong Lianxue pondered for a while, and slightly agreed with his analysis, "According to what you said, it is really possible that the goddess Liuli is the original body of the Lord. Although the goddess Liuli is a woman, she has absorbed the other three male gods. Strength, it is also possible to become a male because of this, I understand it, no wonder His Majesty's cultivation is so high, it turned out to be the illusion of Liuli Goddess."

Mo Qingyan suddenly thought of something, hesitated to speak, and finally said it, "Ayao, if Emperor Underworld is really Emperor Jiushang, isn't he a woman, then what should you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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