Chapter 858 This Dragon Is A Little Stupid

Chapter 858 This Dragon Is A Little Stupid

"What! The wife of the head is a divine beast?" The little junior brother was very surprised. He had only entered the sect for a few years, and he was no better than Zhou Cheng who grew up in the sect since he was a child. He didn't understand these things.

"She is the guardian beast of the head, and she married the head after she transformed into a human form through cultivation." Zhou Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Feng Yunyao who was still trying to escape, with more amusement in his eyes.

If the dragon transforms into a human form, is beautiful and obedient, he can also learn from the master and make her his own woman.

Feng Yunyao didn't know that this person was playing with her own ideas, she stared at the invisible air and secretly felt bored, now that she was trapped by the barrier, she was like a turtle in a urn, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get out.

If you are caught by these people and become their beast, you will have to obey other people's orders in the future.

It is absolutely impossible for her to be a beast.

I hope Xiaobai can come back soon, but will he be caught when he comes?

Feng Yunyao carefully observed the surrounding environment to see if there was any chance of escape, it was impossible for her to be captured without a fight.

"Golden Dragon, as long as you become my contracted beast, I will definitely help you transform into a human." Zhou Cheng had already walked over with everyone, and said to Feng Yunyao in a gentle tone as much as possible.

He can induce this dragon to make a contract with him, but he is still willing to choose not to do it. After all, the beast conquered by force is not as loyal as her voluntary submission.

Feng Yunyao took a look at this ordinary-looking young man, estimated his ability, and estimated his chances of rushing to escape.

"If you don't come here obediently, you may suffer a lot later, and I don't want to attack you, come here quickly." Zhou Chengen used both force and force. In fact, he only needed to go forward and catch the dragon, but he had to wait for her to take the initiative. Come here, this way you will have more prestige in front of the juniors, and you can make a golden dragon submit willingly, which means that he is the chosen one, and when he competes for the position of master in the future, there will be more people who support him.

Feng Yunyao glanced behind them, thought for a while, and walked over.

Looking at the golden dragon slowly approaching him, the smile on Zhou Cheng's face enlarged infinitely, and he knew that Zhou Cheng was the chosen one, and even the golden dragon voluntarily surrendered to him.

"Brother, it's not good for you to contract the Golden Dragon, or we should ask Master for instructions, in case Master blames it, it's not good." The disciple standing beside Zhou Cheng said unwillingly. He also wanted the Golden Dragon, but it was only because of His qualifications are not yet his turn, but Zhou Cheng is not qualified either, the master is the most qualified person.

Zhou Chengma put away the smug smile on his face, and gave him a majestic and impatient look, "Golden dragon is a beast, if she doesn't want to, she can't make a contract with anyone. Now she took the initiative to make a contract with me, which shows that I am the master in her heart." , I believe Master will not say anything."


"Shut up!" The junior brother wanted to say something, but Zhou Cheng interrupted him sharply, pulling his lips and daring not to say anything more.

The others didn't dare either. After all, Zhou Cheng was their elder brother with a higher level of cultivation than them, and this golden dragon had indeed listened to what he said, and obviously recognized Zhou Cheng. The divine beast recognized its master, and they could use force to subdue it. But none of them are as good as the contract that made them willing.

Feng Yunyao walked up to them, the huge dragon body was enough for her to look down on the group of people.

Looking at her huge dragon body, everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back, for fear that a sudden attack might hurt them with a claw.

Zhou Cheng was very satisfied with this, even if the dragon's cultivation was low and even unable to transform into a human form, her domineering body was enough to shock the crowd. With such a mount, who would not give him face.

"You open the Shenyuan, and I will make a contract with you."

Feng Yunyao tilted her head, as if she was thinking about what 'Shen Yuan' was.

"You can't even open the Shenyuan?" Zhou Cheng's original enthusiasm dropped by half. Where did this stupid dragon come from? She can't even open the most basic Shenyuan. What else would she do.

However, she looks domineering and mighty, and she barely makes do as a mount.

"You follow me, gather the spiritual power in the dantian, and run it..."

Zhou Chengyong taught with disgust, but seeing Feng Yunyao's dazed big longan eyes, his face turned black.

This dragon probably doesn't even know how to absorb the most basic, isn't the dragon absorbing the surrounding aura from birth to cultivate?

Zhou Cheng suppressed the anger in his heart, and impatiently taught Feng Yunyao to absorb spiritual energy.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhou Cheng finally got angry: "Why are you so stupid? After teaching you for a long time, you still can't learn the most basic inhalation and exhalation, can you breathe normally!"

It's good that he didn't scold angrily, Feng Yunyao held her breath after scolding.

Zhou Cheng: "..."

He now deeply doubts whether the majestic and domineering golden dragon in front of him is a real dragon, and he still can't understand things that two-year-old children understand after so long.

Everyone else was jealous of Zhou Cheng getting a golden dragon as a contract beast, but now there is nothing left. Who cares about a stupid and clumsy dragon, no matter how majestic it looks, any spirit beast that can be taken out is stronger than her.

Feng Yunyao looked around secretly, but there was still no sign of Xiaobai, and she didn't know where it went.

I hope Xiaobai sees that the situation is not good, and leaves quickly to rescue the soldiers.

It was really careless to run away from marriage. I thought that I would become a golden dragon. Human beings would feel awe when they saw her even if they were not afraid. He wanted to capture her as a contract beast.

I'm afraid it's not easy to escape, so I can only wait for Xiaobai.

"Look at how I opened the Shenyuan, and follow along." Zhou Cheng has given up teaching her how to absorb spiritual energy, as long as she can open the Shenyuan, she can contract, this stupid dragon will be used as a mount in the future, as for the others He didn't count on it either.

Feng Yunyao stared at her big round eyes, waiting for him to open with a taught look.

Soon, a white light appeared on Zhou Cheng's chest. The white light covered half of his body, and the powerful force suppressed his surroundings.

People who were lower than him all took a few steps away, and it was hard to bear the coercion and suppression of people with higher cultivation.

Zhou Cheng's vanity was instantly satisfied with other people's behavior, and he was the most suitable successor to the Xiuxian sect.

I thought that Feng Yunyao would be in awe of him like everyone else after he activated his divine essence, prostrate on the ground, when spirit beasts encounter a strong man and activate their divine essence, low-level spirit beasts would crawl on the ground if they wanted to surrender. On the ground, they used the highest etiquette in the spirit beast world to pay back to their future masters, but the golden dragon was indifferent, and even raised its head high, looking down at them, how could it feel despised.

This made Zhou Cheng very upset. However, thinking that this is a stupid dragon, he probably doesn't even know how to be afraid, so he suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and said coldly, "Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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