Chapter 859

Chapter 859

Feng Yunyao hesitated for a while and shook her head, then immediately nodded again, seeing her bewildered look, she knew she still didn't understand.

Zhou Cheng was furious, what kind of dragon was this? If she hadn't understood human language, he would have suspected that her spiritual sense hadn't been opened yet.

"Forget it, put your paws in this ball of light in front of me, cut the flesh later, and inject blood into it." The simplest contract can't, only the ancient blood contract can be used, but this kind of The contract method will damage the golden dragon's body, and may even destroy the spirit root of the spirit beast, making it difficult to practice in the future.

But this stupid dragon doesn't know how to cultivate even if it has spiritual roots. He no longer expects her to greatly increase her cultivation or transform into a human form.

Feng Yunyao hesitated for a moment, then stretched her claws into the light in front of Zhou Cheng, a faint warmth was transmitted from her fingertips into her body, but the warmth disappeared instantly, as if water drops into the sea without leaving any trace.

Feng Yunyao's eyes lit up involuntarily, and she immediately began to absorb the spiritual energy according to the method of absorbing spiritual energy that Zhou Cheng had taught her just now.

A steady stream of spiritual energy entered her body from her fingertips, which was very refreshing.

Zhou Cheng felt that the cultivation in his body was draining rapidly, like a dam with a gate opened, and the flood rushed out.

"Stop, stop the stupid dragon!" Zhou Cheng roared angrily, trying to resist with all his cultivation, but the loss was faster in this way, and now he was completely scared, angry and frightened, and rushed forward in panic Shouting at the surrounding juniors, "Kill her quickly! Save me!"

Those Xiuxian sect disciples who were stunned woke up and beat Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao lifted Zhou Cheng up with her paws and stood in front of her, frightened Zhou Cheng yelled, "Stop!"

The sword pierced Zhou Cheng's clothes before he barely stopped.

While Feng Yunyao sucked Zhou Cheng's cultivation, she pointed to one side with her paw, meaning to get out of the way.

Seeing that the disciples of Xiuxian Sect didn't move, and were still holding their swords to guard Feng Yunyao, Zhou Cheng cursed angrily, "Stay away, all of you!"

If he still thought he was a stupid dragon at this moment, then he would be even more stupid. After a long time, he was tricked by a dragon, and he paid a heavy price. Not to mention losing his cultivation, he might not even save his life .

Feng Yunyao pointed to the surrounding barriers again, which meant to quickly open the barriers.

"Hurry up and close the enchantment!" Zhou Chengcheng was like a roundworm in her stomach, as long as she pointed a little bit, she could guess it.

Can you be smarter, your life is in your hands.

The disciples of Xiuxian Sect hurriedly followed suit and took over the enchantment.

The spiritual energy absorbed from Zhou Cheng was getting less and less, Feng Yunyao really wanted to lose him, but if she lost her, his juniors would definitely not let her go, so he still needed to carry on, first get out of the predicament and then talk.

Just as she was about to leave with Zhou Cheng in her arms, at this moment, a stormy wave of force struck towards her overwhelmingly.

Zhou Cheng in Feng Yunyao's hands escaped from her control, and his whole body flew out, knocking down a surrounding tree, causing Feng Yunyao to feel dizzy from the pain.

An old man caught Zhou Cheng, and then put him on the ground. He had a serious face, sharp eyes with a hint of cruelty.

Helping Zhou Cheng get his pulse, his face suddenly darkened.

The cultivation base in his body was almost gone, and it was all sucked dry.

The other disciples rushed over and saluted the old man, "See Master."

Seeing Feng Yunyao who had stood up from the ground, the old man had a gloomy face, and sternly scolded all the disciples: "Why didn't you send someone to notify you as a teacher when you met a golden dragon? You don't want to live anymore?"

If it was a normal divine dragon, his group of disciples would not be enough to see it, and this one just sucked up Zhou Cheng's cultivation, so it can be seen that the ability is average, which is also their luck.

It's just why there is a golden dragon. He is almost two hundred years old. He has seen a dragon before, and this is the first time he has encountered a golden dragon.

This old man is the law enforcement elder who is in charge of the punishment of the Xiuxian Sect, second only to the head of the sect, Luo Li. Usually, Luo Li is rarely in charge of the Xiuxian Sect's government affairs, and the law enforcement elders are basically in charge. Those who have been in the upper position for a long time, that kind of momentum is not good. Angry and majestic, the coercion released is enough to make people unbearable.

All the disciples lowered their heads one after another, not daring to make any noise, and let the law enforcement elders reprimand them.

The law enforcement elder asked his disciples to take Zhou Cheng back, and then focused his attention on Feng Yunyao who had recovered and was about to run away.

Jinlong is a divine dragon that is rare in a thousand years. Now that he has met him, how could he let her run away.

Since he hurt the eldest disciple he cared about the most, then let her pay off the debt by herself.

The law enforcement elder sacrificed a divine beast net, and that net overwhelmingly pressed down on Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao dodges quickly, but the net seems to stretch out on its own, no matter how she hides, the net will stretch wherever she goes, it can be said that it is difficult to fly.

However, this net did not bind her, it seemed to be teasing her, twisting and turning in the air, no matter how the law enforcement elders controlled it, they could not order it to bind Feng Yunyao.

"Did you hear that from Shenshouwang? Hurry up and tie her up!" the law enforcement elder scolded with a dark face all around him.

Why is this net of divine beasts disobedient today? I usually help him capture countless spirit beasts and even divine beasts. No matter whether you are a spirit beast or a divine beast, it is difficult to escape when you encounter this net.

At this moment, the divine beast net suddenly shrank to the size of a palm, and landed on Feng Yunyao's dragon horn.

Feng Yunyao was very surprised, and pulled the animal net off her head, and the net lifted a corner like a human being and rubbed against her dragon claws, as if she was acting coquettishly.

What the hell is this thing? I thought it was very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be a bad net.

Feng Yunyao threw it to the ground and was about to leave, but the divine beast net immediately entangled her dragon claws, like an abandoned little daughter-in-law, stalking her tightly without letting go of the net.

Are you still entangled?Feng Yunyao's black line can only run away with the beast net, let's run first.

But she hadn't gone far when she saw the law enforcement elder standing in front of her. His white robe and gray beard were blowing in the wind. He was supposed to be a fairy-like old man, but he was broken by the hostility on his face.

"What the hell did you do to Shenshouwang! Let it come here quickly, or the old man will kill you!"

Feng Yunyao knew that it was impossible to escape. With her strength, she couldn't even beat his disciples, let alone their master.

On the contrary, he shook his paw obediently, and the animal net tightened a little, for fear that she would drop it.

Then, Feng Yunyao spread out the dragon claw innocently, she really didn't take it on purpose, but it was stalking her shamelessly.

Law Enforcement Elder: "..."

This net was originally owned by the master. 100 years ago, the spiritual power of the upper world leaked. Not only did people and spirit beasts practice faster, but even monsters became stronger rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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