Chapter 2421 Come Liwei

Jun Luoxi chuckled, "Since you're all here, turn around and leave now. If you don't know, you might think I've done something wrong. Let's go."

She was very calm, Xiaoyu straightened her face, "Okay."

I knew that these people must be uneasy and kind, otherwise, why did she happen to be like this, and she came over the first time she felt something was wrong, but she didn't expect to be waiting here.

"Sister Guifei, do you think that girl is the one from Qinghe Garden?" A concubine pretended not to know, and looked at Jun Luoxi very curiously and surprised.

As soon as she made such a sound, everyone immediately looked at her.

For a moment, Jun Luoxi felt countless pairs of jealous and resentful eyes, there was no way, this face was too ostentatious.

However, she has long been used to such gazes, and she never thought about hiding it when she came here.

"It seems to be, ladies, let's go over and say hello to her."

Liu Yiru suppressed some kind of jealous dark light, and walked over with a chuckle, and Jun Luoxi didn't stop here.

A group of people met on the covered bridge. If they want to walk over, one party needs to let it go, but both sides stop at this moment.

"So it's Xiao Yuzhang's business," Liu Yiru said, her gaze fell on Jun Luoxi.

"This is the girl who let His Majesty hide her beauty in the golden house? She is really beautiful, what should I call her?"

Looking at it from a distance, it is already hard to move your eyes away, but now it is getting closer, the fresh and refined face without makeup, which is fresh and refined, arouses their crazily jealousy.

The reason for coming to this palace, of course, is to get that person's favor, beauty is their most direct weapon, now there is a person whom Rin and the others feel threatened, how can they not be nervous.

Jun Luoxi smiled faintly, "You ladies are so well-informed, don't you know my name?"

These women have nothing to do when they are full, and they must have figured out her situation these days.

Liu Yiru was embarrassed, "Ahem, this little sister can really laugh."

What's the situation? It's a bit different from what she thought. Shouldn't you salute her first?

salute?It doesn't exist, Jun Luoxi will be damned if she knows how to salute.

"I'm serious, it's the imperial concubine, you are joking."

While chatting, from Xiaoyu, she also knew a lot of things in the palace, she just listened to the story, and now she saw the deity.

Wanting to use her to gain prestige, hehe, the wishful thinking was wrong.

Liu Yiru chuckled, "Sister Jun has a straightforward personality, and this concubine likes it very much. Oh, by the way, I heard that you were injured. How are you doing now?"

Asking the question knowingly, if it gets better, she can be used as a wheelchair. This is adding salt to a person's wound.

"Thank you for your concern, my concubine, my injury is no longer serious." She was aware of her situation.

"In this case, the Japanese concubine will bring the sisters to visit sister Jun. Today, I won't disturb you for a walk." She nodded her head and smiled brightly.

No move?This is a bit unreasonable, Xiaoyu was puzzled, but she was relieved, it's better for them to be more sensible, otherwise no one will be able to save her.

"I'm interested, empress, please." Jun Luoxi signaled Xiaoyu to push her aside to make way for her. At this moment, a court lady walked forward, as if to open a way.

Suddenly, her feet were unsteady, and she jumped towards Jun Luoxi. At this moment, she stepped aside. If she was thrown down, she would directly fall into the lake.

The speed of the other party is very fast, under such a heavy weight, it will definitely hurt her leg.

I know these people have no good intentions!

"Miss, be careful!" Xiaoyu immediately moved in front of her without caring about other things, but the opponent's weight was not low, and the two collided with each other and fell into the lake without accident.

(End of this chapter)

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