Chapter 2422
"Plop, plop..." There were two sounds of falling water, and below, there were circles of ripples in the lake, and there was no one in sight for a long time. The lake was quite deep, and there were many fish in it.

Liu Yiru didn't expect that Xiaoyu would block it. Things went beyond her expectations, and she was stunned for a while, staring at Jun Luoxi secretly, her eyes signaled Xiaoqin, and she kept on doing nothing.

If she doesn't stand up today, she won't be afraid of herself in the future.

Xiaoqin walked towards Jun Luoxi, but at this moment, she seemed to be tripped by a blast of air.

The whole person slipped on the soles of his feet and fell into the water with a plop, accompanied by a small, fast black shadow.

The first time "Little Fish" saw Xiaoyu, Jun Luoxi opened a hand, and the power gathered in his hand picked her up from the lake out of thin air. The lake water was cold, and she shivered.

At this time, Xiaoyu felt a hand holding her arm, and then a burst of warmth came over her, and her body suddenly became dry. She looked at Jun Luoxi in surprise, not knowing that she had such strength.

"I don't want to eat, help, help!" Down below, Xiaoqin and the palace maid who didn't stand still were plopping in the lake. They just emerged, but they seemed to be pulled down by someone, struggling non-stop.

The others looked at Jun Luoxi with shock in their eyes, they were able to save Xiaoyu, why didn't others save him.

Liu Yiru's face was gloomy, "Sister Jun, what do you mean?"

It's too obvious to treat one more favorably than another, but the two people below belong to her, so don't you please her at this time?

Jun Luoxi sneered, "I'm injured, and my ability is limited. Oh, yes, my mother's own people, I can find a way to deal with it myself, and I can't help you."

As she spoke, she chuckled, pulled Xiaoyu aside, and pushed the wheelchair forward with one hand.

Liu Yiru was immediately annoyed, she didn't take herself seriously because she didn't have any status, and she will pay it off in the future.

"Stop! What's your attitude?!"

"What kind of attitude does the imperial concubine want?"

Jun Luoxi raised her eyes and looked at her quietly. Meeting this peaceful gaze, Liu Yiru actually felt a chilling feeling in her heart.

While speaking, the people below had already drank a lot of water, and around, she had already pushed the other guards away, and now no one heard the movement here.

"Help, help." They still had some cultivation, but they just couldn't make it up. Liu Yiru and the others also felt something was wrong, and came to the bridge to watch.

Suddenly, several figures came to the lake and rescued the two people who fell into the water.

"What happened, what are you all doing here?"

Yueling Qianshang's voice came from the direction behind Jun Luoxi. He came with a personal guard behind him, with a gloomy expression on his face. When he saw her safe and sound, his expression eased a lot.

"Your Majesty, see Your Majesty."

Liu Yiru and the others hurriedly saluted. At this moment, her expression became uncomfortable and aggrieved, and then she raised her steps, leaped over Jun Luoxi and rushed towards Yueling Qianshang.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you must decide for me."

The other ladies stood there, looking at her enviously, staring eagerly at the tall man, begging to be noticed by him.

Facing the rushing Liu Yiru, Yue Ling Qianshang moved to avoid her movements, "What do you want?"

"It's her, this cruel woman, she actually tripped Xiaoqin and caused her to fall into the lake. She didn't pay attention to me. Ignored Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you have to decide for me."

Liu Yiru was terribly wronged, with accusatory eyes, staring at Jun Luoxi viciously, as if she had really done something outrageous.

"Your Majesty, that's not the case." Xiaoyu hurriedly said, wanting to explain. From her understanding, Jun Luoxi would not do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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