Chapter 2427

Even from the next day, the ministers in the court began to propose that Yueling Qianshang should be made queen quickly, and selected several so-called women with both ability and political integrity for him.

Such a move made him very angry, and he ruthlessly reprimanded the ministers without saying anything, and even lost his temper, pointing out several mistakes they made, and severely criticized them.

Everyone was scolded bloody, and immediately cursed Jun Luoxi secretly. Everyone thought she was a witch, a disaster, and made their Mingjun like this as soon as she appeared.

She smiled when she heard the news, but she didn't take it to heart. She chose to stay in the palace to recuperate. She was already prepared to deal with these rumors.

In this strange world, she was alone, before she figured out the situation and her injuries were not healed, she selfishly took advantage of Yueling Qianshang, after all, he was also using her, wasn't he?

If she can't directly deal with the women in the harem, she happens to be the one to do it. Don't think she doesn't know that Yueling Qianshang dislikes these concubines and the families behind them very much.

As a monarch, who would be happy if he was compromised by power and did what he didn't want to do.

Thinking about it this way, Jun Luoxi became more at ease.

"Girl, this fruit is ready to eat." Xiaoyu came over with a fruit plate.

Ever since what happened in the Imperial Garden that day, Jun Luoxi had aroused the vigilance of the concubines in the palace. They were annoyed and hated at her, and various plots followed one after another, which never stopped.

So much so that now she has to take care of everything she eats and uses, but sometimes there are still mistakes, so she has to test the poison with silver needles every time before Jun Luoxi eats it.

Jun Luoxi glanced at the fruit plate, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Eat the fruit on top, don't eat the fruit that touches the fruit plate, it's poisonous!"

Xiaoyu's complexion changed, and she immediately tested the poison with a silver needle. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with it, but the fruit plate was poisoned, and she suddenly panicked, "Miss Jun, I'm sorry, I'll get another one."

These people are so pervasive, it's too much!

"What are you afraid of? I'm a pharmacist, and this little poison can't do anything to me." As he said, Jun Luoxi flicked his sleeves, and picked up all the non-poisonous fruits with precision.

"Xiaoyu said that you are good at refining medicine. I still don't believe it. I saw you today. It's really admirable!" Yueling Qianshang came from outside. My little brother is generally approachable.

Seeing him coming, Xiaoyu hurriedly saluted, "See Your Majesty, Xiaoyu was negligent in this matter, please punish him."

"It's okay, haha, can I sit down?" He said so, but Yueling Qianshang had already sat down opposite Jun Luoxi, reached out to pick up the fruit, and that's it, without hesitation at all.

She raised her eyebrows, "Is it too late for me to say I can't?"

Yue Ling Qianshang, who ate a grape, froze, "I can't" this is his territory, but now he is the guest.

"Puchi" Xiaoyu chuckled, and went into the house to bring out the food, "Your Majesty, this is the fruit salad Miss Jun taught me to make. Try it, it's delicious, much better than eating fruit alone."

In a crystal bowl in front of him, a bunch of fruits were cut into pieces, and there were strange things on top, Yueling Qianshang glanced at her suspiciously, "So, can I eat it?"

"Don't eat and pull down!"

To actually dislike her things, if it wasn't for the fact that the other party was her savior, she wouldn't even try it, even though she didn't make it.

The things she makes with her own hands should not be eaten by men other than Li Qianjue, especially the ones she tried for the first time, of course, except for Xiao Bai and her family.

"I'm joking." Yue Ling Qianshang quickly took it.

(End of this chapter)

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