Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 2428 Your Majesty, both rain and dew

Chapter 2428 Your Majesty, both rain and dew

A burst of coolness suddenly spread from the palm of the hand, which made people feel calm.

He picked up the spoon and scooped up a small sip gently. His expression seemed to be holding the attitude of testing poison, and Xiaoyu was very speechless. Your Majesty, the image, the image, even if you don’t like it, you can’t do it. It’s too shocking. .

After taking a bite, um, his eyes lit up, and he took a few bites quickly, "Wow, the taste is really good, how did you come up with the idea, Luo Xi? Fruits can still be eaten like this."

Not only is she a powerful pharmacist, but she is also a master cook, what else does she not know?
After three or two strokes, he finished eating, "One more bowl!" This weather is really suitable for eating this kind of food.

"Add ice, it's not good to eat too much!

"Jun Luoxi's expression was indifferent, and his eyes were full of jokes. Who had the expression of eating a fly just now, and now he still has something to say, isn't it a slap in the face?
Feeling this gaze, Yue Ling Qianshang was embarrassed, "Ahem, that's fine, don't be greedy, you created this delicious food, should I thank you?"

"Thank you? Okay, take care of your women so that they don't have to play tricks. They're too naive, and I find it boring." Every time she exposes her, and she has to break her confidant, is it interesting?

It's the first time I've seen someone deliver the head so diligently.

"Ahem, why are they so arrogant if I can control them?" Yueling Qianshang was very helpless, he also wanted to solve this problem, but it would not be that easy after a while.

No, it just so happened that Jun Luoxi appeared, so I could use her hand to cut off some minions, so that he would have more people.

"You are the emperor of the Yueling Kingdom. They call you to come down, and you can't control it. No, I see that they all look like they want to be dissatisfied. They clearly have the potential to be a boudoir. Don't you have the rain and dew?"

Frankly speaking, as soon as the bold words were uttered, Yue Ling Qianshang's eyes widened in shock, her face turned red and her ears felt dry.

Xiaoyu was even more dazed, blushing in the next second, and quickly bowed his head.

"Luoxi, you, you really dare to say anything" You are a woman, don't you find it strange that such words come out of your mouth, how can you be so persuasive, ah.

"Speaking is not breaking the law, so I can't say it anymore? But I can't take it back." She has no ability to take back what has been said, anyway, she doesn't have it.

Yue Ling Qianshang was very speechless, "Stop it, I don't want to talk about this topic, I don't feel anything about them, if it's yours." If it was her, wouldn't it be different?

Hell, he would have such an idea, it was horrible.

"What's the matter with me?" Just now she was eating fruit, not looking at Yueling Qianshang's expression.

"If you say it again, I will be angry."

He quickly moved away from the topic, and his expression became unnatural, but he, who had already practiced not showing his emotions and anger, quickly returned to normal.

Jun Luoxi laughed, "Ha, I just said that casually, don't take it seriously."

"How come, what, you guys talk first, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things that have not been dealt with, I will go first, Xiaoyu, take care of her" After a while of explanation, Yueling Qianshang got up and left.

No matter how you look at the back, there is a feeling of fleeing.

In the middle of the walk, he paused and turned his head, "If you are idle and bored, just clean up this chaotic harem for me. Hey, I'm so busy every day."

Jun Luoxi was very speechless, "I heard you right, how could anyone let outsiders take care of their own women?" This was the first time she had seen such a person, and it seemed that this Yueling Kingdom was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

As for the emperor Yueling Qianshang, it was a bit difficult and helpless to be the emperor.

"Your Majesty said so, of course there is nothing wrong."

Xiaoyu is very calm, she is also very upset about those so-called empresses in various palaces, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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