Chapter 2429 Is He Crazy?
"Are you kidding me?" If she really asked her to clean up, it would be fatal.

Xiao Yu nodded seriously, "I think His Majesty is very serious."

In fact, the court seems to be very serious recently, but Yueling Qianshang has become more stable in power because of this.

What does this mean? It means that those ministers are also aware of the problem and have partially compromised.

Jun Luoxi continued to eat the grapes, "He is serious, but if I help, wouldn't I become a witch in those people's mouths?" Women who dominate the harem have always been given this title.

"The girl doesn't care about these false names, does she?" After getting along these days, she has gotten to know the woman who looks carefree but has an extraordinary temperament.

"Xiaoyu really has a good heart, no wonder she can become Qianshang's most trusted person." In fact, Xiaoyu has strength and good looks. With a little dressing up, she is even more beautiful than Liu Yiru or something.

"Miss, it's absurd. Xiaoyu also hopes that when she is free, she can help cooperate with Your Majesty." She began to persuade Jun Luoxi to help.

"I really want to refuse" She is not Yueling Qianshang's woman, and the other women who help him clean up the palace are all women, why should women make things difficult for women, she really doesn't want to do this.

The reason why she shot was because the other party offended her, so she fought back.

Xiaoyu smiled, "Of course, His Majesty didn't force the girl to agree. It's noon, and I'll prepare it for you if you want to eat." The appetite of pregnant women is different from that of ordinary people.

"It's all right, thanks for your hard work."

And here, after Yueling Qianshang came out of Qinghe Garden, he lowered his head slightly and didn't speak, just walked forward like this, the personal guard saw his thoughtful appearance, and didn't dare to disturb him.

Back in his own palace, he turned away the maids who served him, and stood alone in front of the window, staring blankly at the cicadas who kept shouting outside, just like his heart at the moment, a little irritable.

"What happened to me just now, I actually had that kind of thought." His expression was annoyed, as if he had done something out of his control and beyond his expectations.

Afterwards, Yue Ling Qianshang clutched his heart. He had never felt this way before. There was a hint of joy, anxiety and entanglement. At this age, he knew exactly what it felt like.

At this time, his mind was full of Jun Luoxi's frowns and smiles, and his bold and suddenly enlightened words were so memorable.

"I, my heart is moved." After thinking for a while, he came to this conclusion. That's right, he was moved by that woman, and it walked into his heart unconsciously.

Realizing that she was moved by Jun Luoxi, and she was already a married woman, Yue Ling Qianshang was very annoyed, "Yue Ling Qianshang, you are simply not human! She has a husband and children."

Although she didn't know why she came here, judging from the tenderness and longing she showed, the two loved each other very much, and it was the kind that no one could get in, he could feel it.

But the more this happened, the more depressed he became. He had no chance, and hadn't made any attempts, so he had no hope.

If not, she is really good and excellent, worthy of any man's heart.

"Hey" Thinking of Jun Luoxi's appearance, the vague and ignorant shadow left in his heart at a long time, disappeared at this moment, and only the confident and indifferent face became clear.

That's right, he was tempted and crazy, he couldn't control his emotions, and he wanted to do something.

"Well, it's good to sleep, this is an illusion!"

After a pause, he comforted himself, then took out the wine and began to sit down to drink, the hall was filled with the aroma of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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