Chapter 2450: Bring Back Memories
Jun Luoxi rolled her eyes to the sky silently, afraid that she would wait, afraid that their Majesty would be anxious, why use her as an excuse.

A few people helped the petals to open and clean, and the water was drained. At this time, it was Jun Luoxi's turn to start cooking. The cooking of rose sauce is easy to say, but it is also delicate.

Xiaoyu and the maids are watching by, they like to learn from her and make these novel things.

Soon, the rose sauce will be done, and the sweet taste is mouth-watering.

"Here, I'll give you a bottle, it's for beauty and beauty. If you like it when you eat porridge, you can put some in it." After putting it in the jar, Jun Luoxi generously distributed it to them.

However, no one dared to take it, "Let's just try it, and we will not dare to ask for other petal sauce later." This flower is very precious, and more importantly, it comes from the Royal Garden.

After regaining consciousness, Jun Luoxi also understood something, and shook his head helplessly, "Okay."

This Yueling Qianshang, what did she do to this flower before, oh no, what did she do to the person who touched this flower, how did she make them look like this.

"Luoxi, is the rose sauce ready? I'm here to try it." Yueling Qianshang's voice sounded from the doorway, and the maids understood, smiled at her and left. It was really time for His Majesty to come down.

While speaking, a figure walked in.

Yueling Qianshang stared at the bottles in front of her with a smile, "Not bad, are there enough petals? If not enough, I'll send someone to pick some more." I want flowers to always bloom and new ones to grow, and there is a gathering of spirits. , everything is not a problem.

"No, I'm afraid of being beheaded." Jun Luoxi joked.

Yueling Qianshang coughed in embarrassment, he would not be willing to cut off the person in front of him, "Can I have a taste?" As he said, he picked up a clean spoon and dug a little into his mouth to eat. .

The next second, he was stunned, holding the bowl, eating bit by bit, standing in front of the window without saying a word.

Jun Luoxi was puzzled by such a weird behavior. What's the matter? Could it be that it doesn't suit your taste? That's right, this thing needs to be left for a while. It may taste a bit bitter right now?
Xiao Yu came in with two bowls of porridge, saw his appearance, pursed his lips and put down the things lightly, silently waiting aside.

"Luo Xi, here, who taught you to make this rose sauce?" Yue Ling Qianshang spoke, his throat seemed to be stuck in something, and his words were a little choked up, as if he was crying.

Impossible, the delicious food she cooks can have such a great charm that he is so moved by eating it?
"I learned it by accident, what's the matter, is there any problem?" In her previous world, if she wanted to cook food, she could consult many textbooks at any time, and it would come naturally after learning it.

Hearing this, Yue Ling Qianshang turned around, "Did no one teach you?" In his eyes, there seemed to be anticipation, but also fear of knowing the result.

Jun Luoxi shook his head, "No, why do you ask that?" Is there something wrong with this rose sauce, or did it remind him of some terrible memories.

"My mother also knows this kind of flower. She found this kind of flower from outside. My father named it Rose Red Flower. When I was young, my mother would often use this flower to make many delicious dishes for us. Rose sauce is one of them. , no one has made this taste since she was gone."

If he couldn't make food with this taste, he naturally wouldn't allow other people to waste this flower.

She thought it was something, it turned out to be the reason, but after coming to the palace for so long, few people in the palace mentioned his mother, and she didn't gossip.

"Today I ate a familiar taste, almost exactly the same, I thought, thought"

(End of this chapter)

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