Chapter 2451 His Past
"Do you think I have any connection with your mother?" Gone, did she run away from home?But with this taste, it seems that people here should not be able to do it.

Could it be that she is also from modern times like her?Ha, is it possible? It should not be possible.

Yueling Qianshang nodded, "I always hoped that she was still alive." But after so many years, all kinds of manpower and material resources were spent, but he couldn't find any clues. The familiar smell now brought back all his memories.

"What kind of person is she, she should be very virtuous." As a queen, she would cook food for her own children instead of relying on others to serve her, which felt very unusual.

"Yes, my mother is very good, she is the bravest and most virtuous woman I have ever seen in the world." His mother is a very special existence to him, and he has taught himself a lot.

Putting down the bowl, staring at the rose sauce inside, Yue Ling Qianshang sighed slightly, "Luoxi, do you want to hear my story?" He has a memory, even though everyone knows it, he has never told anyone else.

"Tell me what you want" Stories depend on the storyteller, not the audience.

"Luoxi, you are really the same as when my mother left, I was only five years old"

Yueling Qianshang's mother had an unknown origin and no family, but she was resourceful and was favored by the emperor alone. She accompanied his father to conquer the country and gave birth to him, but his father listened to slander and became estranged from his mother.

The enemy took advantage of this time to get rid of her mother, and even the unborn child at that time. His father found out later, regretted it, and loved him a lot, but after many years, he finally died of depression.

"If my mother is still alive, then I must have a younger brother or younger sister." Yueling Qianshang's eyes were full of loneliness. Now that Yueling Kingdom exists, there are still some royal blood, but compared to him, it is not as good as his mother and sister. A child born to a father draws near.

Jun Luoxi narrowed her eyes, "No news is the best news." If there is no bad news, you can comfort yourself. They are still living in a certain corner of the world, and they may meet one day.

"Yeah, but I don't know why, I always firmly believe that they are still alive, and they will meet one day." Yue Ling Qianshang had a stubborn expression, and sniffed hard.

It hasn't been like this for a long time, since his father passed away, he has never cried again, and now he feels like a child all of a sudden.

"Ahem, I made you laugh." It's really weird, after eating some rose sauce, he actually let him talk about his past with all his heart?No, maybe because I wanted to tell her.

"Don't be so alien, we are good friends, aren't we? I treat you like a brother." Jun Luoxi boldly stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and behaved like a man.

Yue Ling Qianshang had black lines all over his head, "Do I want to thank you?"

"You don't need to thank me, as long as you don't blame me for picking your flowers and killing the white moonlight in your heart."

"Bai Yueguang? Who is it?" Who did she hate?
Seeing his inexplicable expression, Jun Luoxi remembered that he didn't understand the meaning of these three words.

"The so-called white moonlight refers to the goddess in some people's hearts, the most unforgettable sincere emotion."

Looking at Yueling Qianshang's still confused eyes, Xiaoyu couldn't help but chuckle, "Pfft, Your Majesty, Miss Jun refers to Miss Bai." Isn't she the Bai Yueguang in His Majesty's heart.

Yue Ling Qianshang had black lines all over his head, "It's the first time I've heard that this word has such a meaning, but Luo Xi, you don't have to worry about it, she and I have become a thing of the past."

(End of this chapter)

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