Chapter 2470
"Brother, this matter is on my little sister. If your people go, it will be too obvious and easy to be discovered." Jun Luoxi smiled evilly, daring to plot against her, the time has come to bear the price.

Yueling Qianshang looked worried, "Are you going? It's not okay, it's too risky." It's just a bad breath, and you can't take risks.

Jun Luoxi ate the fruit leisurely, "Whoever said they want to go by themselves, I can send them there, fat fat, Xiao Hei, Huo Huo, which one of you will go."


"I go!"

"Let me go!"

The three are scrambling, how can such a fun thing be done without them.

Now, Yueling Qianshang has a black hair, so active, it seems that they do a lot of similar things.

"One is enough, you decide for yourself" This matter can be done if you go to one, and if you have to fight for it, it is enough!
The three are incompatible with each other, and they look like they are going to fight.

Xiao Yu said at this time, "Well, I suddenly have a suggestion, you can cooperate with each other, and make sure that no one notices."

Her words reminded three.

Fatty combed her feathers, "Okay then, I can watch the wind, who will do the poisoning?"

"I'm going to poison, and the corpse will be destroyed!"

They are monsters, and they will also leave breath, but it is different with the Black Demon Fire, they can not leave a little bit of breath.

Black Demon Fire, "Happy cooperation!"

Then after the three got what Jun Luoxi gave them, they sharpened their knives, oh no, and went to work in high spirits.

Having lost face in the palace, Bai Zemingrui's face has been gloomy since he came back.

"Your Majesty, it was the incompetent concubine who was knocked out."

After the effect of the medicine wore off and she was exhausted, Bai Pingting woke up now, and she was flustered when she found out that the matter had been revealed.

Bai Zemingrui gave her a cold look, "Who knocked you out?"

"Chenqie, Chenqie didn't see it at the time. It was about to succeed, but it was a step short. Damn it! Your majesty, you must find this person. How dare you ruin our great event!"

The other party actually undid Yueling Qianshang's Meixiang, but didn't undid her, clearly deliberately embarrassing her!hateful.

"The widow has been found, can you get rid of her for the widow?" Is it a pity that she failed to capture Yueling Qianshang?
And after all the calculations, she was the only one who had this ability, after all, she took out so many elixir of the Holy Healing Pill without even frowning.

Looking at the entire Yueling Kingdom, and even several of their countries, even the royal family does not have this ability. There is only one possibility, the other party may be a young lady from another sect with an extraordinary status.

Bai Pingting was embarrassed, "Chen Qie, Chen Qie is willing to do things for the emperor, no matter what, pay any price."

"Well, come on, let's find out the origin of this Jun Luoxi as soon as possible, I want to know the details." In fact, not only he is investigating, but even the people of Hanlin Kingdom are also investigating.

Damn it, why is that woman a pharmacist? Where did she escape from? It's really annoying!Returning the Eldest Princess was clearly Yueling Qianshang's method to keep her by his side.

Suddenly, she felt her arms on both sides being grabbed by someone. When she looked up, she saw Bai Zemingrui's hot eyes, and she panicked. This look, this look is
"Your majesty, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, she also felt the familiar smell on her body, it was their traditional Chinese medicine!
When she made a sound, Bai Zemingrui immediately reacted, but he didn't notice anyone approaching at all.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, poured out the detoxification pill and ate it, and gave it to Bai Pingting as well, there must be something wrong with someone giving him this kind of medicine.

After a while, his complexion became more and more gloomy, and the feeling not only did not ease, but also became more and more intense. Interpretation is invalid?impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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