Chapter 2471 Said he had no way
"Your Majesty, I feel so bad." Bai Pingting licked her lower lip. She, who was still poisoned by the traditional Chinese medicine yesterday, quickly reacted to the medicine, and her face flushed.

Bai Zemingrui gritted his teeth, "Hold it!" Then he got up and wanted to leave the room, how could he be in that mood now.

Besides, this kind of thing hurts the body too much. Bai Pingting, the little elf, was delayed in the palace for such a long time yesterday, and he was so angry that he didn't have a good rest. Right now, he is not in the mood.

Seeing that he was about to leave, she panicked immediately, soaking in cold water was uncomfortable, she didn't want it!

The next second, he felt a hand around his waist, "Your Majesty, don't go, stay with me, stay."

If she stayed, Bai Pingting would regret her decision.

With the soft touch and the effect of the medicine at this moment, Mingrui Bai Ze's gaze sank and sank, and finally he turned around and pushed him down. There was a scorching hot breath in the room.

The guards outside looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise and admiration. They didn't stop yesterday, but now they come again. The emperor is indeed the emperor. He is very capable.

But they don't know, what is the ability to do this, it is a last resort.

This started and lasted for several hours, Bai Pingting begged for mercy, and then they were ordered to find some women, just like that, they also felt that something was wrong.

However, who would have thought that their emperor would also be hit with such a tight defense?

When he stopped, Bai Zemingrui himself felt disgusted, he felt that he would not think about this matter for at least half a year!

"Your Majesty, I have never seen anyone approaching this place."

The guards were sweating profusely. It was terrifying. What kind of enemy could approach without anyone noticing.

If the other party has the heart to do something, isn't it very dangerous?

The leading guard cupped his hands, "Your Majesty, forgive me for talking too much, but I feel that we should go back as a matter of urgency, after all, this is on their territory."

Naturally, Bai Zemingrui could guess who did it, but there was no evidence, so he could only sulk himself.

Just like the last time Yueling Qianshang was assassinated but couldn't find fault, this time, he personally experienced this feeling.

It's just that, he tasted it even more!
"Wait a little longer, find out the person, and I will leave!" The woman was always unwilling to find out his background.

Crouching in the corner of the big bed, Bai Pingting's complexion was pale, and she felt that her world was filled with gray.

Originally thought that she would have a place for her when she returned to Yueling Kingdom, but now that she thinks about it, she is too naive.

"Get down!" Bai Zemingrui, who had a bad complexion, only felt that he was weak and wanted to take a good rest. This kind of thing is quite hurtful.

The next day, rumors circulated in the street, saying that Bai Zemingrui had no way, Ye Yu had so many women, so much time, and Bai Pingting regardless of the occasion, passionately in the palace.

Upon hearing the news, Bai Zemingrui became furious!If you pick up a vase in the house, you will smash it down.

Seeing this, the subordinates hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, no!"

This is the palace where Yueling Kingdom entertains distinguished guests and envoys, and it is unreasonable to break things when they live in it.

"Damn it!" He was innocent, what the hell, he was plotted against, his reputation was affected, put the things back, Bai Zemingrui gritted his teeth, his fists creaking.

It's about to explode!I thought the plan this time was foolproof, but it was abruptly destroyed by someone, and it was still a woman, so how could he be balanced in his heart.

Bai Pingting came over with the porridge she had cooked, "Your Majesty calm down, if you are angry, wouldn't you be following the tricks of those people?"

(End of this chapter)

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