Chapter 2488 He is really so ruthless
Ling Qianshang's words were very ruthless, but in fact it was the same. His soft-hearted policy in recent years made many people forget that he is the emperor of Yueling Kingdom, not the kind who is at the mercy of others.

Jun Luoxi frowned, "But this is too straightforward." If Liu Yiru was killed directly, will the Liu family give up?What's more, there is such a reason for this matter with her.

If he was criticized because of herself, she would feel guilty and uneasy.

"Luoxi, you don't need to be stressed, the people of the Liu family stretch their arms too far." Not only Liu Yiru is showing off in the harem, but the Liu family is also coming to form cliques in the court.

Just because he doesn't say anything on the surface doesn't mean he doesn't know about it.

"Okay, Luoxi, come here so early, let's have lunch together. I'll let the imperial dining room prepare your favorite food. You can't starve my niece." Yue Ling Qianshang smiled and urged her to go out.

After thinking about it, Jun Luoxi sighed, "How do you know it's a niece?" She didn't go to spy on it herself, so naturally she didn't know whether the child in her belly was a boy or a girl.

Some people want to know, but she wants a surprise, just like the lottery.

"I'm guessing, after all, she has always been very obedient, so obedient, she must be a girl, or Luo Xi, you prefer boys?" Yue Ling Qianshang was afraid that she would be unhappy, so he immediately changed his way of speaking.

Some girls expect boys to improve their status, but she should not have such a situation.

Jun Luoxi smiled lightly, stroking her stomach with one hand, "No matter what it is, they are all my children, and I like them all." What's more, there are more than one.

Of course, this kind of thing is hard to say, let's give everyone a surprise later.

"I like it too. Child, hehe" Yueling Qianshang blurted out, but quickly explained again.

She can have a child if she likes it, but she also understands this kind of thing. A person like him will not let it go. Otherwise, these women in the harem would not have been in the palace for so long without having a son or a half.

This can only show that Yue Lingqianshang is not casual, and the woman who made him want to start a family has not appeared yet.

"Adults will prefer children," the two said, and left the imperial concubine's palace. From now on, this place will become an empty shell, and maybe a new imperial concubine will move in, but who knows.

The imperial concubine Liu Yiru intends to murder the eldest princess, ignores the emperor's prestige, betrays the emperor's kindness, and gives a glass of poisoned wine. Since she has made contributions to the Liu family, she will not be held accountable for her crimes, but she will be fined for half a year.

As soon as the news about Yueling Qianshang came out, not only the harem was shocked, but also the Liu family.

"My Ru'er." Mrs. Liu, who had just arrived outside the palace and was about to go in to see her daughter, fell limply to the ground when she heard the bad news, tears streaming down her face in an instant.

Patriarch Liu, who had always wanted to connect with his daughter in the palace, never had a chance, but what he waited for was bad news. He was so painful that he vomited blood and fell into a coma, and was sent out of the palace by Yueling Qianshang's order.

If you know today, why should you be in the beginning.

Seeing him being carried out in a soft sedan chair, Mrs. Liu rushed up, "Master, this is not true, you tell me it is not true, my daughter is fine."

Patriarch Liu closed his eyes, with a painful expression on his face, "He's so ruthless, he's so ruthless!" Kill him as soon as he says he wants, without leaving any sympathy behind!Just for a long princess with a foreign surname.

"Impossible, Ru'er is also his woman no matter what, how can he be so vicious, I'm going to find him, I'm going to find him!" Mrs. Liu yelled, completely losing her mind.

Before she rushed over, Patriarch Liu held her tightly by the arm, "Don't go, go home." Finding fault at this juncture, the head iron, is tantamount to sending her to death.

"Master." Mrs. Liu gritted her teeth, with a look of unwillingness.

(End of this chapter)

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