Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 2489 If you want to die, you must fulfill it

Chapter 2489 If you want to die, you must fulfill it
He struggled to get out of the sedan chair, took his wife with one hand, and walked home step by step. The white-haired man sent the black-haired man, this pain is unbearable for ordinary people, let alone it came so suddenly.

"Sir, please slow down" I could feel his pain and sorrow, and Madam Liu also had a distressed face, with tears in her eyes.

As their most outstanding daughter, Liu Yiru was sent to the imperial palace, and she was also given the title of imperial concubine. This was a great honor for the Liu family, and because of this, the family developed rapidly.

But now they were killed suddenly, and they couldn't even see it for the last time. For the Liu family, it was a sudden disaster and a sudden heavy injury. Who would accept it for a while?
This time, they will still suffer from Yueling Qianshang's cold shoulder, and I don't know how many people will alienate them in the future, which means they will be isolated.

"Father, something happened to my sister, right?" Back home, Liu Yibing, Liu Yiru's elder brother, immediately spoke with an unbelievable expression on his face. In the past, they were deeply brother and sister.

At this moment, a close relative suddenly left her, and no one could accept it.

Hearing what he said, Mrs. Liu burst into tears and collapsed on the ground. At this moment, she no longer cared about her image, she beat her feet and chest, and cried so much that she burst into tears.

"Ru'er, my Ru'er! You died so badly! Ru'er."

When she cried like this, the Liu family was suddenly enveloped in sadness, and the smiles on the faces of the maids and servants were all huddled.

The head of the Liu family sat on the seat in a daze, with one hand resting on his forehead, as if he had aged a few years.

"Father, Your Majesty, did he really do this?" Liu Yibing looked pained and clenched his hands into fists.

"I'm confused, I should stop Ru'er, if I don't do this, I won't be killed!" It's because he is stupid, because he is too greedy, because he forgets that that person is also a ruthless master Son.

It's a pity, it's too late to regret it now, his daughter has already paid a heavy price for this.

Mrs. Liu wiped away her tears, "Master, Your Majesty is so ruthless, I'm afraid he won't let our Liu family go, so why not?" She didn't continue to speak, but her expression was broken.

As soon as she made a sound, Liu Yibing immediately waved away the other serving servants, "Mother, don't talk nonsense, you know, this is an extraordinary time."

His younger sister was poisoned to death just now, and the Liu family was fined their salary. If they were caught again now, the foundation of the entire Liu family would be shaken.

"What are you afraid of? If my son is gone, I don't want to live anymore!" She is just such a daughter. Now that a white-haired man is giving away a black-haired man, her heart is dead. What's the point of living.

"Shut up!" Patriarch Liu was very irritated. He has a terrible headache now, and everyone is still yelling in his ears, making him very irritated.

Liu Yibing frowned fiercely, "Dad, what mother said is right, His Majesty is not moving us now, probably because he didn't think of any means. When he thinks about it, is there still time for us to breathe?"

Companion to the king is like a tiger, everyone said that the king's heart is unpredictable, and the concubine was at most thrown into the cold palace, but he directly poisoned her, and the method was too vicious.

They were also involved in this matter, and it could even be said that they were the ones who used the sharp sword. With Yue Ling Qianshang's style, it is impossible to let them go so easily.

"Let me think about it, don't even talk." Patriarch Liu kept shaking his head, feeling extremely irritable.

He had thought about it from the first time he heard the bad news, and he had been thinking about it all the way, but he still couldn't figure out why.

"Master, do you need to think about this? After he has killed all the heroes, what else can this stupid king not do? For a witch, he doesn't take us seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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