Chapter 2502
He was also very clear about the situation with the Xianyao people back then, and it was understandable that Li Qianjue would resist them.

"No, find a time, and I will go there with you."

It was related to Xi'er's whereabouts, and he couldn't feel at ease if he didn't go to see it himself. Others could do it to repair the formation.

But before that, he must go and have a look to make sure there is such a thing as a teleportation array.

It's not that he doesn't believe it, and he doesn't want to let others handle all this kind of thing.

The white-browed old man was taken aback, "Go together? What about God's Domain?"

This brat really only loves beauties and doesn't love the country. He has been reincarnated for a lifetime, and his temper has not changed at all.

"In the past, God's Domain didn't have me, so it was still alive."

After Xi'er said something, people are gone, time is still passing, and other people are still alive, so you can't count on him.

"I can't say enough about you as a teacher." The white-browed old man was depressed, and what he said made him speechless.

At this time, the two have decided to find a time to go to the Xianyao tribe to take a look in person.

In the past, when God's Domain ruled half of the Fairy Continent, the area where the Xianyao people were located was the territory of God's Domain.

After that, God's Domain was hidden from the world, and the former territory was occupied by various aristocratic families and sects.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and in the next second, Jingfeng stood at the door, "My lord, someone from the Xianyao tribe is asking to see you!"

Because the realm of the gods has already developed in this world, they are like normal sects. The sect is open to the outside world, but outsiders want to come in, they must be allowed.

"What are they going to do?"

The white-browed old man was puzzled. When they went to the Xianyao tribe, their actions were quite covert. It was impossible for them to discover their identities.

Li Qianjue narrowed his eyes, "Let them come" just right, he looked at what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.

He waited less than a day from the entrance of God's Domain to entering the Palace of God Kings.

With the increase in speed, a practitioner can travel thousands of miles a day. Last time, Jun Luoxi walked slowly and took many days.

"The envoys of the Xianyao tribe have seen the king of the gods." After glancing at each other, the two old men shouted in unison, and then saluted.

There are two people here, you don't need to guess, each represents the line of the saint and the line of the son.

Li Qianjue said indifferently: "There is no need to be too polite, tell me, what is the reason for coming to God's Domain?"

One of the old men was the first to speak: "God King, we are from the line of the saintess, congratulate the God Realm, and send a special gift, I hope the God Realm and we will be reconciled forever, and please accept it with a smile." He said, and took out a box.

The other one was not to be outdone, "Congratulations to God King, on behalf of the Son of God, I have come to reconcile with God's Domain, we will always be your people."

That's right, the former Xianyao tribe existed like a vassal king because of their special abilities.

But now it is different from the past, and you have to show weakness when you should show weakness.

Take the initiative to show favor?Very good, now that he is here, he has a reason to go to the Xianyao tribe.

Li Qianjue's eyes fell on the waiter representing the lineage of the saint, "I have seen the sincerity of the lineage of the holy son, yours"

The man quickly lowered his head, "God-King calm down, I didn't make it clear just now, we, whether it's the lineage of the Holy Son or the side of the Holy Maiden, are your people, hope the King of God will learn from you."

To put it bluntly, the Xianyao tribe can only use Gu, their cultivation is really limited, and their reputation in the world is not good, basically no one deals with them.

I thought that they would be able to develop rapidly after they appeared before God's Domain, but they were still like that. Now they have to seek the shelter of another big tree so that they can develop themselves and not be harmed.

Li Qianjue raised the corners of his lips, "Very well, I am not a person who cares about every detail. Since you have the intention, then I am going to set up a jurisdiction over the Xianyao tribe. You have no objections."

(End of this chapter)

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