Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 2503 1 see never mistake for life

Chapter 2503
The establishment of the Jurisdiction Palace means that they directly manage the Xianyao people as a city?It seemed a bit beyond their expectations.

"Disagree?" The white-browed old man slapped his hands hard, making them tremble in fright.

The two of them looked at each other, "God King, this matter, can you allow me to report this matter later?" They are just messengers and cannot be the masters.

"I will give you ten days. After ten days, I will personally lead the troops to the Xianyao tribe." He said coldly and expressionlessly, which made the two of them break out in cold sweat.

Leading troops to the Xianyao tribe, then this is not a war, they are here to show their favor, but how could they become annoyed and let Shenyu target themselves, miscalculation, miscalculation.

"I'll resign." The two of them were so depressed that they thought it would be different if they took the initiative to show their favor. It seemed that they were thinking too much.

With what he said, do the people of the Xianyao tribe dare to say no?Before, Mo Wan'er flattered Tiansheng Palace, but after that, she just didn't want to pay any attention to her.

And knowing that they were tired of working with Tiansheng Palace, they couldn't wait to agree to Li Qianjue's conditions.

On this day, he and the white-browed old man hurried to the Xianyao tribe, and he couldn't wait for the teleportation array.

"My lord, this is the Xianyao tribe."

Everyone stopped in front of a valley, surrounded by green grass, singing birds and fragrant flowers, like a fairyland on earth, the valley was guarded by someone.

Don't underestimate these flowers and plants, because you don't know if there are any insects on the leaves or flowers, and among these insects, eight out of ten are Gu insects.

This is why the people of the Xianyao tribe are not very outstanding in their cultivation, but there are no practitioners who dare to provoke them.

Seeing Li Qianjue and others coming from a distance, the Xianyao people had already been waiting at Taniguchi's position. The leader was a woman with a veil on her face, looking at this side with burning eyes.

"Saint, is that the God King? It's really as unattainable as a god." The maid beside Mo Wan'er looked at her with obsession and admiration in her eyes.

unattainable?No, escaping is like a mortal person, he must have a mortal heart, as well as the seven emotions and six desires, no one can climb up to it.

When she saw Li Qianjue, Mo Wan'er was taken aback. She remembered this person, when she went to join the pharmacist union and the pharmacist despised her, she saw that there was a woman beside her. matter.

But now I haven't seen her. It's strange. Where did she go? Heh, she must have been abandoned again. Let her go to provoke Tiansheng Palace. Today's God's Domain may not be able to protect her.

"Wan'er has seen the God King."

She pretended that this was the first time she saw Li Qianjue, her movements were respectful, and her voice was just right, soft and not artificial.

Li Qianjue glanced at this person coldly, "Yeah" his eyes didn't stay on him for half a second.

On the opposite side, a young man hurried over with someone, and knelt down on one knee towards him, "Moyu has seen the king of gods."

"Well, there is no need to be too polite, just take this deity to the Yin-Yang Valley."

The Yin Yang Valley is where they discovered the formation, and it is also the middle ground between the two huge tribes of the Saintess and the Saints.

Does he want to set up a governing palace again?The rest of the Xianyao tribe didn't think much about it.

Mo Wan'er pursed her lips and smiled lightly, and wanted to follow, but was stopped by Jing Feng, "The God King has an order, no one is allowed to follow without his permission."

She had no choice but to stop resentfully, and stared obsessively at Li Qianjue's slender and straight back. She had missed this man.

But it doesn't matter, I won't miss it this time.

"Saint, here." The maid was quite puzzled, and went straight to Yin Yang Valley, could there be some good things there?

(End of this chapter)

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