Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 2752 Is there something I'm hiding

Chapter 2752 Is there something I'm hiding
Back in his room, Jun Moyan was as usual, he lay down to rest after washing, and the yard was extremely quiet.

The black demon fire was pitch black, restrained his breath and squatted on the beam, staring at someone who was lying down.

In the middle of the night, Jun Moyan opened his eyes suddenly, listened carefully, but found no other movement, and then he got up cautiously.

He knew very well that Jun Luoxi's spiritual sense was very strong, but she would definitely not stare at him all the time, after all, she was also afraid of looking embarrassing.

Walking to the door and hearing no movement outside, he set up a soundproof formation and turned on the dim.

Holding the bloody handkerchief in his hand, he gritted his teeth and was about to go down. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Mo Yan, we're coming in." As he said, the door was opened, and Jun Luoxi and Li Qianjue walked in.

The speed of the two was too fast, it was too late for Jun Moyan to hide the secret passage, and everything was exposed in front of her.

"Luo Xi, you..." He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. When he realized it, he hid the handkerchief behind his back.

All these actions could not be concealed from Jun Luoxi's eyes, she pursed her lips, "Mo Yan, are you still going to tell me about it now?"

Her blood is not a panacea, what effect does he use, it is worth his care.

Li Qianjue's eyes were gloomy and cold. Could it be that they have misjudged this man all along, that he has been uneasy and kind?But everything that has been shown before can be seen to be true.

Jun Moyan licked his dry lips, yes, she had already found out, there was nothing to hide, and he didn't want to cheat.

Originally, he wanted to ask her for a drop of blood, but he didn't know how to ask, so he had to think of this way.

"Luoxi, I remember you once said that you are looking for your mother, right? I am also looking for my mother's family."

"Your mother, by the way, I forgot to ask you, the medicine god came to see, how is Auntie doing?" Could it be that he wanted this blood for this reason, her blood has something special, can it be used as medicine.

Jun Moyan nodded, "I feel the resonance of my blood relatives in you, but I'm not sure if it's my illusion, so I plan to give it a try."

"Blood resonance? Me and you, it's impossible." Her father and mother left her with only one child. Grandpa has also confirmed this. It is impossible for Jun Moyan to be her younger brother.

However, my father and mother have also been together in the Fairy Continent, maybe in the case of myself and Li Qianjue, have a child?

All kinds of shocking thoughts swirled in her heart, setting off a stormy sea.

"Luoxi, listen to me first, I fused a little of my mother's blood, so I have this ability." He didn't intend to say anything about the blood spirit Gu.

Li Qianjue glanced at him, "You continue to talk" has not reached the point, what he wants to do after the blood resonates.

"I, Luoxi, I'm not lying, I really feel it from you, and you look very much like your mother!"

"There are more than one or two similar people in the world. Even if there is no blood relationship, there will be extremely similar people. This is nothing special."

One is plastic surgery, and the other is coincidental similarity, which is not impossible.

"Of course I understand, so when I saw you at the beginning, I didn't think about it, but this time it's different, I really felt it."

Jun Luoxi pursed her lips, "Blood have fused your mother's blood, and does she resonate with mine?"

(End of this chapter)

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