Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 2753 There is such a coincidence

Chapter 2753 There is such a coincidence

"There are loopholes in what you said. Even if there is a special way to feel the same breath in the blood, but you knew it before Xi'er was injured. It's unreasonable."

Jun Moyan was startled, yes, it's strange, at that time, Luoxi wasn't hurt, but he felt it.

"I really felt it. After the wound was opened, the induction became stronger. If you don't believe it, let me verify it."

Li Qianjue raised his eyebrows, "How do you want to verify, with your blood?"

Everyone knows that even if the blood is not of the same vein, under the special medicine, there will be a fusion.

Jun Moyan shook his head, "Of course it's not mine, it's my mother's. How should I put it, she's not my own mother."

Looking at his anxious incoherent appearance, Jun Luoxi raised his hand and pressed it comfortingly, "I think you need to organize your words before you speak."

Seeing this, he was not in a hurry to go down the aisle, but sat down at the side. He knew that if he didn't explain clearly, it might affect the friendship between them.

And if she doesn't believe it, if she doesn't verify it with herself for a day, she is afraid that she will lose a chance to heal her mother and get together with her family.

"I was adopted by my mother. I was abandoned at the time. When my mother picked me up, I was less than one year old. Later..."

He narrated his own affairs, and the whole process was full of thoughts about memories. For him, it was the warmest time.

"These changes happened on the day I was five years old, when my mother said she was going out to find my father, and I was alone in the valley. Later, she came back. I found her at the mouth of the valley, and she was covered in injuries."

"I only had time to tell me, let me be careful, let me escape, and I never heard what she said again."

Jun Moyan's tone was a little choked up, and his eyes were red at the same time, as if he had experienced something like that again.

"I remember what my mother told me when I was young, Jiulingjue, so I took the opportunity of enrolling students to go to Biyun Continent to find the remnants, but there was no way to heal my mother until I met the God of Medicine."

Afterwards, he once again told him everything the God of Medicine had told him, including what method to heal him.

"Over the years, I have searched many places in the Fairy Continent, but I have not been able to find my mother's family, so this time I wanted to go to the Biyun Continent to look for it. Before I could find it, I met you."

That's the way things are, and he didn't add a half-word to his imagination.

Jun Luoxi was not only shocked, but excited, "In other words, your adoptive mother is very similar to me, so where is she now?"

When she was asking, she looked at the aisle, and her heart beat faster. For some reason, she heard the description and felt that she might be the mother she was looking for.

"In the ice room at the end of this passage, her condition is not very good. I can only hide. The second reason is that I am afraid that my enemies will harm her."

Jun Luoxi stood up abruptly, rushed to the entrance of the passage, clenched her fists tightly, she wanted to go on, but she was afraid of huge disappointment, so she became inexplicably nervous.

At this time, a hand held her hand, "Xi'er, let's take a look?"

Jun Moyan also came over at this moment, looking at her expectantly, "Luoxi, you..."

She took a deep breath, "Go, lead the way, I believe what you said, it would be better if it was my mother..."

With a heartbeat, she has it. If she saves her mother earlier, the family can be reunited. Even if she doesn't, there may be someone who has a close relationship with her.

After all, those who can have blood resonance don't just exist casually.

(End of this chapter)

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