Chapter 2795
However, at this time, in the private room next to him, someone who vaguely heard the conversation here had a gloomy face, eyes full of chill and jealousy, "Get married? Don't even think about it!"

When the cold voice fell, the cup in his hand shattered into slag with a bang, and his hands, including his sleeves and clothes, were stained with tea stains.

This person's face is handsome, elegant and light, but the cold and ferocious expression at this moment has completely destroyed this beauty. His appearance and eyes are exactly the same as Bai Yun's.

It is no longer the same as before, and it is not even the same as the one Mo Yaer saw in Tiansheng Palace before. At that time, he was just looking for a fixed place temporarily. Now, he is more satisfied with his body.

Here, Jun Luoxi's heart is full of pity for the moon, but the one who didn't come, actually trembled in his heart, and subconsciously looked at the wall next to him. There, it seemed that there was a cold wind blowing, which made people feel chilling.

Next to him, Li Qianjue gently served him vegetables, but she didn't feel anything strange, so she had no choice but to hide the inexplicable strangeness in her heart.

At the moment she noticed it, the people in the private room had already left, leaving only fragments of cups on the floor, even if she detected it with her spiritual sense, she might not find anything unusual.

In an attic in the distance, someone crossed his arms, pulled down the window, and looked at the shadows inside through the crack of the door.

"Xixi, I hate you, you want to marry him, it's impossible!" He won't let her do what she wants, since she doesn't love herself and wants to kill him, then he can only kill her with his own hands.

He is already the one who can't get it confirmed, so let him destroy it with his own hands. I really want to see Li Qianjue's appearance in pain. Just thinking about that scene makes him extremely happy.

Today's Bai Yun's heart has been distorted to such an extent that he is a lunatic, a complete lunatic.

After the dinner was over, everyone left in twos and threes. Jun Lintian even took her away early on the grounds that Yun Qing had just recovered and deserved more rest. The last ones to walk were Jun Luoxi and Li Qianjuer who paid the bill. people.

"Xi'er, why do you look preoccupied? What's the matter? I didn't discuss it with you, so you"

Before he finished speaking, Jun Luoxi took his hand and shook his head, "No, I didn't mean to blame you." A marriage proposal is supposed to be a huge surprise, isn't it?

"Then what's wrong with you?" Li Qianjue was so nervous that she really didn't want to marry him, thinking about it made his whole heart ache.

The words came to her lips, but she didn't know how to say them. She felt uneasy all the time, wondering if she was thinking too much, "It's nothing, I haven't seen Xiyue and Yuchen for a long time, I miss them."

As a mother, if the child is not around, how can I not worry and miss it.

Li Qianjue breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, we'll pack up and go back to God's Domain tomorrow. They're in the God's Palace, so they're safe."

Although I didn't meet them when I came to the school, I also had an unexpected harvest. I found my mother and healed her, which can be regarded as a kind of surprise.

"Well, go back tomorrow." Thinking of this, Jun Luoxi smiled. Children are the fruit that can make her happy.

The two of them carried each other back to the academy, but they didn't notice that they suppressed all their aura in the dark and stared at them intently.

Baiyun is very smart, if his emotions and aura are leaked out, it will definitely attract their attention very quickly, so he tried his best to restrain himself, even if Jun Luoxi only faintly noticed it.

"Xiyue, Yuchen? Who is it?" From what the two said, this person is very important to them.

(End of this chapter)

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