Chapter 2796 When will I

However, there are very few people available to him now, and even if he wanted to investigate at this moment, no one would force him to do so. He gritted his teeth and punched the wall depressedly, "Damn it!"

Everything he worked so hard for so many years is gone, all because of them, they destroyed everything.

When he punched down, there was a groove on the wall, and his fist was also dripping with blood.

Time flies, and the next day, everyone is ready early in the morning.

In front of Lingxian Academy, the elders of the ancient times, Ouyang Hao and others watched Jun Luoxi and the others, "Then we won't send them off. Take care all the way, if you need help, just ask."

"I'm bothering you these days." Yun Qing was especially grateful to the elder Taigu. If he hadn't accepted Jun Moyan as his disciple later on, he might have lived a wandering life.

Coupled with the fact that I am so careless and burdened, it is really unimaginable.

"You don't need to be too polite, meeting is fate, let's not talk about it, hurry up early, the sun will be very bright later, and it will be very sunny." The elder Taigu had a calm expression, he was very happy to be able to help others, not to mention that they are all kind people .

Besides, if you say thank you, it seems too superficial, and you will keep gratitude in your heart. As for the future, as long as there is a chance to repay, they will definitely be obliged.

Three carriages drove out from Lingxian Academy at the same time, watching them disappear from sight, Ouyang Hao and others left.

And here, just as they were about to leave the city, two people stopped the carriage, "My lord, I have your letter." The people who guard their domain naturally know Li Qianjue's whereabouts.

In the carriage, he looked puzzled, "My letter?" Could it be that something happened to God's Domain, and the letter was delivered directly to him, thinking, he walked out of the carriage with Jun Luoxi.

"Master, you are back, am I not mistaken?" One of them looked at Jun Luoxi in surprise.

Looking at this person carefully, Jun Luoxi was not impressed, but soon realized that he must be his subordinate. Li Qianjue told himself that Junzilou was brought to God's Domain by him to develop.

"No, it's me who made everyone worry."

During the days when she came back, after finishing her work in Tiansheng Palace, she came to God Realm. She wanted to contact Nether Realm and them, but she ran into her mother's matter, and the matter was put on hold again and again.

The man's expression suddenly became a little strange, "Then this letter" is strange, why did they let them convey the letter from their master to Li Qianjue, could it be that the two of them were not together when the letter was delivered?
In fact, some of Jun Luoxi's people followed Li Qianjue to Tiansheng Palace, but they left behind to help. The news was not matched, and they thought that Jun Luoxi would get in touch by himself.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Master, should this letter be given to you, or to Young Master Li?" Although Li Qianjue is now the Divine King of God's Domain, because of her relationship with her, her people still used to call Li Qianjue Young Master Li.

Jun Luoxi pursed her lips, "Of course his letter is for him, why give it to me?" I was slightly puzzled, why did his person become Li Qianjue's messenger?

After finishing speaking, he took the letter and opened it in front of her.

"Uh, why does this handwriting look like Yuchen's? Where did you get this letter?" Without looking at the content, Jun Luoxi glanced at the notes, and Jun Luoxi recognized that it belonged to his own child.

The subordinate who delivered the letter cupped his hands, with a respectful expression on his face, "Master, Hall Master Fu personally explained that it is the letter you ordered to deliver, we dare not neglect it." At that time, they were still puzzled, thinking that the superior wanted them to pay attention to it before saying that.

(End of this chapter)

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