Chapter 3051
Someone started this, and new evidence began to be released continuously. This group of people is not a good thing.

Now that something has happened, everyone has finished playing together, and most of the evidence given by the common people has no actual evidence.

But they pulled each other into the water, which saved this part of the trouble.

It was faster than expected, and almost none of the participating personnel ran away, and all of them were arrested. The speed was so fast and the methods were fierce, as if they were set on fire and burned cleanly.

Not only the common people were stunned, but even the subordinates who followed Yueling Qianshang, especially the guards of the former city lord's mansion, were simply in admiration.

Their unanimous thought is that this method is simply terrific, okay? Hanging on the wall of the city has not been beaten into a trick. It is completely seen by the people and admitted by themselves.

Who can do all this.

Only Yueling Qianshang, he did it, so he doesn't have to worry about slipping through the net.

At present, the people worship him like a god. If such a person cannot unify the Three Kingdoms, they will eat stones!

Ten days later, Wang Boen and others, whose hands and feet were frostbitten, were sent to the execution hall. The execution hall is specially used to deal with various cases and disputes, just like the one played in Jun Luoxi's previous TV series, with the same function.

At this time, sitting behind the highest desk was Yueling Qianshang. He was not wearing court clothes, but no one dared to question his identity and authority.

"Wang Yibo, do you know what crime you have committed? Tell me well, maybe I can make your death a little easier."

Death is death if you say it, so why did he say it?
These days of torture have also honed Wang Boen's willpower a lot. He raised his head, expressionless, "I am innocent, I have nothing to say!"

That's right, even if he dies, it's going to be embarrassing. Some people will think that he is innocent, and it may turn against the person in front of him. It's not bad to let him be stained with torture.

Yueling Qianshang sneered, "I don't want to say it, it's okay, I'll tell you for you! In the xxx year of Shangyuan, I ordered to allocate one billion amethyst coins, cotton cloth, and countless kinds of food. In the hands of the people, less than 500 million, and the rest It's all taken by you and others.

Shangyuan xxx year."

One pile of criminal evidence was revealed, and even before Yueling Qianshang finished speaking, he was already so angry that he threw the thick stack of memorials that he had sorted out in front of him.

"There are witnesses and evidence, and you still want to deny it?"

Wang Yibo raised his head, and laughed loudly: "Your Majesty, do you think that my whole body was swallowed up by humble ministers? How can I, a small city lord of the Ice River Realm, eat so much?"

"Of course I know that you didn't do all of it. Mrs. Zhao and the others will meet you in Huangquan soon, just wait."

Yueling Qianshang's understated answer made Wang Boen tremble all over, like a deflated ball.

Unexpectedly, they had already been caught. He still wanted to use this bargaining chip in exchange for the lives of his family. He made a mistake, a mistake.

"I have been in office for many years, and I am busy with affairs. It is my mistake to let you do such outrageous things with a single step of attention, but now, from now on, I will definitely guard against such imaginations!"

These words are not only what he wants to do and will do, but also a promise to the people.

As an emperor, he is responsible for the negligence of his officials, but he can't take care of so much by himself, but once he finds out, he will never forgive him lightly.

"Your majesty is wise, long live your majesty!"

The crowd watching outside were extremely excited and greedy in human nature, but as long as their majesty is a wise king, there will be light and a place to express their grievances.

(End of this chapter)

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