Chapter 3052
Yueling Qianshang raised his hand and pressed down, "Wang Yibo has committed many crimes, which are unforgivable. Next, we will continue to try Master Liu's case."

Everyone fell silent immediately, Master Liu was brought up, pressed down and knelt down, and he, who was also tortured miserably, looked terrified, and kept kowtowing to Yueling Qianshang.

"Your Majesty is guilty, I beg your Majesty to be merciful, and save my humble life, please."

His head hit the ground with a bang, and after a short while, blood beads appeared on his forehead. Such a sincere side, if it were an ordinary person, it would be moving.

But because it was him, there was no sympathy in everyone's eyes.

"Convicted? Then tell me, what crimes have you committed?" He announced that it has a different effect from these people's personal confession. Only by confessing his crimes can everyone understand.

After all, only the parties involved know what they did wrong. Others investigate, and if there is evidence, it is based on inference.

Master Liu trembled, and began to describe his crimes. He could feel the anger of the onlookers, as well as the crying and anger of some people.

Among these people, some are the family members of the victims. Now that the grievances have been made known to the world, it is the greatest comfort to the dead. At least they did not die for no reason.

After finishing speaking, Mr. Liu himself was also in despair. Although he did not do as many bad things as Wang Boen, but all of them were heinous things, and it might be impossible to save his life.

"Finish? Is there anything to add?" Yue Ling Qianshang stared at the memorial in his hand. These were all summarized and sorted out. What kind of things did these people participate in.

Master Liu mechanically shook his head, "No, that's all." He said everything he remembered, and how to add what he couldn't remember.

"Your Majesty, Caomin has something to add. He, Mr. Liu, my father was bullied by a bully and broke his leg. We came to the court to complain, but he turned the truth upside down and set up a trap with words to make the bully innocent. It became a disturbance of the court and was fined a lot of money."

After the man finished speaking, someone immediately shouted, "Also, he allowed his son to rob other people's wives and daughters, cover up and ask others to take the blame. My poor niece, who was born without a father or a mother, we worked hard to raise her." , but let his family ruin and commit suicide."

Others, quickly added some more.

Yueling Qianshang's eyes showed a fierce light, and he slapped so hard that the desk was smashed into pieces.

"Master Liu's crimes are too much for heaven's sake, I drag them out and freeze to death!" This kind of person, letting him die too soon is simply taking advantage of them.

Let them reflect on and despair about the bad things they have done in this life before they die.

Wang Boen and Master Liu were then dragged down. Immediately afterwards, other people who were not small in Bingcheng and participated in it were also brought up one by one for trial.

This matter has been going on for five consecutive days, and the crowd of onlookers is not only not small, but more and more.

It was already noon when the last person was judged.

"Everyone, those who have been reported, the criminals have all been tried. Those who have committed minor crimes will be punished separately. As for those who are innocent, they have also been released. If anyone refuses to accept the trial, I will give them three days to report. .”

If it is a misjudgment, it doesn't matter, there is still time to save it, but he can guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

"You heard it all. It's getting late. Everyone, let's go. If you have anything to say, please hurry up. Your Majesty has been dealing with affairs for several days and is already tired. Please wait patiently."

Hearing the meaning of these guards' words, everyone dispersed immediately without saying a word. The speed was as fast as if there were ghosts chasing them.

(End of this chapter)

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