Chapter 3065

Everyone's eyes widened, they didn't expect Bai Fangding to be so decisive, ready to take all the blame for the crime alone.


When the dagger was stabbing down, it stopped half a finger away from the clothes, and an invisible force blocked it, making it impossible for him to press it down.

At this moment, everyone guessed that Jun Luoxi raised his hand from the air, and the powerful spiritual power prevented this from happening.

"Die, you can't die." She pulled hard, and the dagger fell to Bai Fangding's feet with a crisp sound.

Zhao Ya recovered from the shock, immediately hugged Bai Fangding tightly, and yelled at Jun Luoxi, "Okay, it's all our fault, if you want to kill, kill me too."

"Idiot!" Gan Lu couldn't help muttering, didn't she hear Luo Xi say that she couldn't die, she must be pretending, knowing that she would not kill people easily.

What's the matter, the Bai family has such an inseparable blood relationship with her.

Jun Luoxi slowly withdrew his hand, "Don't get me wrong, I mean don't die at my door, it's hard work to clean the floor, besides, I have something to ask Mrs. Bai, ask clearly, I will never stop you if you want to die on."


When the crowd heard Jun Luoxi's unruly words, they didn't know what expression to show for a moment.

Bai Fangding's face showed embarrassment, he thought, he thought that she saved him because she had a little affection for the Bai family or for him, but it turned out that he was just pretending to be affectionate.

"Ask me, there's nothing to talk about between us." Zhao Ya pouted, she didn't want to talk nonsense with Jun Luoxi now, she was afraid she couldn't control her emotions.

At her own age, she has experienced many trials and tribulations, but now she is defeated by a little girl, and she really can't swallow the pain in her heart.

Jun Luoxi put away the smile on his face, "Yes, you and I really have nothing to say, what I want to ask is, did you kill my grandma?"

After this question was asked, Zhao Ya's face froze. The people around her, including Bai Fangding, were all at a loss. Didn't they disappear?

"Luoxi, you, have you misunderstood something? Ling'er left by herself and said goodbye to me personally." Bai Fangding explained, it was impossible not to ask if it was his first wife.

"I didn't ask you, I was asking her" to save face?That also depends on who.

Bai Fangding was suddenly speechless in embarrassment, Zhao Yalin was stunned, "I don't know where you heard these rumors, don't try to rely on me, don't spit blood!"

As we all know, Ling'er is missing, how could she have anything to do with her, in short, I can't recognize her!

"Where did you come from? Of course it came from my house. You know, Mrs. Bai, if you want people to know, unless you don't do anything yourself!" Jun Luoxi's cold words penetrated people as if they came from hell.

In her house, something bad happened. Could it be that she went into the dark room and found something in the wall.

Zhao Ya's face was pale, with cold sweat constantly breaking out from her forehead, and her hands and feet were weak. She must have been discovered for her actions last time. She was clever but was mistaken by her cleverness.

Bai Pingting's heart skipped a beat, and she clenched her fists subconsciously. She knew that the last time the matter was not resolved satisfactorily, it was always a disaster.

Seeing her expression, Bai Fangding's eyes were full of doubts, "Madam, you, don't you?"

"No, she was talking nonsense, I didn't, everything should be based on evidence!"

If you find it, you will find it. Everything on her body that can represent her identity has been destroyed by her. Even if she takes out the body, it may not be able to prove that she is Ling'er.

Not to mention, after so many years, the corpse has turned into bones, and it may have decayed.

(End of this chapter)

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