Chapter 3066

That's right, maybe this little girl lied to her, she can't be fooled, she can't.

Bai Fangding breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had doubts in his heart. After being married for many years, he didn't know exactly what her expression meant, and he also knew that she was not telling the truth at this moment.

"The evidence, the evidence is this." She waved her hand, and a coffin appeared out of thin air.

The coffin was made with great care, but the size was obviously smaller. It could be seen that it was used by a woman. The pitch-black coffin still looked cold under the sunlight.

Everyone blinked, and no one spoke. They didn't understand what Jun Luoxi was doing with a coffin. Could it be her grandmother was inside the coffin.

"Ling'er? Impossible, Ling'er has cultivation, it's impossible for her to die so soon." Bai Fangding clenched his fists fiercely, gritted his silver teeth slightly, and stared fixedly at Jun Luoxi.

"Going to bed at the end of her life? If my grandma was alive, I would definitely have a way to make her live longer. It's a pity that she died long ago and was killed by this woman."

Zhao Ya stood up suddenly, with her hands on her hips, "Jun Luoxi, I know you hate me and hate me for taking away your grandfather, but you can't blame me for everything and charge you with unwarranted charges, Ling'er I didn't kill her!"

Those who knew about this at the beginning were all wiped out by her, and those killer organizations had long faded out of the arena. She didn't believe that Jun Luoxi, a stranger, could still find those people.

"No? Are you sure, I will give you another chance to speak again."

Do you refuse to admit it, do you think it will be hard to beat her like this?
Zhao Ya swallowed her saliva, "No, no, you think that if you just get a coffin or a skeleton, you can say that I made it?"

"The coffin hasn't been opened yet, so how do you know it's a skeleton, not a corpse?" Jun Luoxi asked, and everyone immediately turned their meaningful eyes on her again.

"I, I guessed randomly" Damn it, I'm going to be tricked by her again if I'm not careful.

"Okay, let's pretend you are guessing. If you have a clear conscience, would you dare to open this coffin with your own hands?"

Jun Luoxi's proposal made Zhao Ya puzzled, "Open the coffin, me? Why me?" Why should she open such an unlucky thing.

"I don't do anything wrong in my life, and I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. At this high noon, there are so many people, what are you afraid of? Is it because of a guilty conscience?"

Seeing Zhao Ya hesitating and hesitating very much, the doubt in Bai Fangding's eyes deepened, he didn't speak, but suspicion had already arisen.

"Open it, open it, whoever is afraid of it, pretending to be a ghost."

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Ya slowly walked towards the coffin, raised her hand tremblingly and put it on the coffin lid, don't be afraid, can a person who has passed away come out and identify her?

Before she could push the lid of the coffin, it was suddenly lifted by a force, and she subconsciously took a few steps back, her complexion ashen.

Jun Luoxi's expression was flat, "Whether you want to talk about you or not, look at my grandma who is so angry that she can't even hold the coffin board and wants to settle accounts with you."

It just so happened that a gust of cold wind blew past at this moment, and Zhao Ya suddenly had goose bumps all over her body, and cold sweat continued to break out.

"You, you moved your hands and feet, don't think that you can scare me like this."

She just finished speaking, and with a click, the skeleton with disheveled hair sat up from the coffin in shock, and the skeleton's head turned directly to her position.

"Ah, my husband, I'm so scared!"

Zhao Ya's complexion changed, and she immediately threw herself into Bai Fangding's arms. Under certain circumstances, a woman, even with cultivation, will have a timid side, especially at this moment.

Her psychological defense has been attacked by Jun Luoxi many times.

(End of this chapter)

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