Chapter 3089
"Angry, isn't that what happens when two people have each other's hearts, oh, I see, the two of them are actually..." Lu Luo widened her eyes, as if she had discovered a new world.

Jun Luoxi looked at her blushing face amusedly, "You, did you just see that?"

"The slaves are not as smart as the princess, but they are only too late. Do you want to help them?"

In this world, there are too few people who love each other and only have each other in their hearts. Many people will shake their minds due to various factors, but it can be seen that Gan Lu and Xue Yunkuang are not like this.

For some reason, she hopes to see the result of reunion and beauty.

Jun Luoxi handed her an orange, "That's not necessary, they are like these oranges, how can they feel sweet without experiencing sourness?"

Luluo peeled the orange ignorantly, "Sweet and sour? The relationship is too complicated. Have you and the prince experienced this before?"

She mentioned it to Xiaoyu before, but she didn't know it very well.

"Between us, the most experienced is life and death."

"Ah, slaves see the prince." Luluo's heart skipped a beat. Oops, the matter of the gossip master, with the prince's temper, is it going to be punished? Oops, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo share

However, Li Qianjue didn't even look at her. Seeing her salute, he just hummed and sat next to Jun Luoxi, "Xi'er, I want to eat oranges."

Jun Luoxi looked at him like a child, shook his head helplessly, peeled off a piece of orange and stuffed it into his mouth, "Your prince and I have experienced more, and it is indeed life and death."

How many times during times of crisis, he appeared in front of him and protected himself without hesitation. The relationship between them can be regarded as a friend in adversity.

In fact, for Li Qianjue, this is not the case. When he led people and was besieged by Baiyun in the Valley of Death, she was the one who did not fear her life and desperately rescued him.

What's more, when he hit Tiansheng Palace's lair, she also appeared, fought side by side with him, and appeared just when he needed it most.

Luluo became inexplicably envious, "No wonder you have such a deep relationship with the prince, princess." This is the first time she has seen such a strong and inextricable relationship when she grows up.

"Me and Xi'er, love is stronger than gold, moving heaven and earth." Li Qianjue was not at all shy, and praised him and Xi'er, no matter what he said, he thought it was nice.

"Then I won't bother you, I'll step back now." Lu Luo was very sensible, and after listening to it for a while, she understood that Li Qian would never like her presence.

Jun Luoxi continued to feed him oranges, "Have you eaten yet? Brother called you to the palace early in the morning, but what happened?"

Speaking of Yueling Qianshang, Li Qianjue curled his lips depressedly, "Don't mention it, my big brother, his brain has been flooded with blood!"


"He, since you said those suggestions last time and mentioned that you can study and go to your previous world to see, he has formulated various methods and started to act non-stop. Forget it, he also got me."

Jun Luoxi couldn't laugh or cry, "Ahem, how can you blame me for this, I can only say that the elder brother is too dedicated" Just do what you say, you are a man of action.

Li Qianjue snorted, "Come on, I don't have to be tired, Xi'er, I'm hungry, and I have to go out for a few days after eating."

"Going out, big brother has arranged things for you again, that's good, so you don't get bored at home." Jun Luoxi responded with a smile, and at the same time took out the prepared food from the ring.

"I will speak for him. If it wasn't for my elder brother, I would have beaten him up." Really, he is a fool to believe his nonsense and follow him to Xingdiao Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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