Chapter 3090 The first effect
Here you go, busy and busy.

"Family, help each other, where are you going, do you want me to accompany you?" In fact, there is not much to do in the Fairy Continent.

The enemy is settled, and the domain of God has grown stronger, but there is no ambition to expand, and those sects will not come out to cause trouble, and they will not be idle when they come to the Star Void Continent.

Li Qianjue grinned, "Xi'er is so kind, do we count as husband and wife?"

"Hehe, eat your food, I'll put it away if you're not hungry" He really has a more and more playful smile on his face, how abstinent and cold-hearted he used to be, in front of him, he looks like a rascal!
But this rascal's handsome face made everyone angry, so she reluctantly forgave him.

In this way, Li Qianjue and Jun Luoxi, responding to Yueling Qianshang's orders from time to time, ran around in various cities, and they were not idle even when the water was clear.

With their consent, everything shines brightly.

Xue Yunkuang and Ganlu didn't know if it was because of this reason, but there was no conflict again, and the days continued in an orderly manner.

Time flies, and half a year has passed.

in the hall.

"Your Majesty, this is the memorial presented by the Glacier Envoy. Please have a look at it." The minister, holding a memorial in both hands, respectfully sent it to the front, and the attendant took it and handed it to Yueling Qianshang.

He opened the memorial and looked at it. There was no sound in the hall, everyone held their breath, as if waiting for something, only the seat next to the golden throne, Li Qian remained motionless like a mountain.

The "pa" memorial was pressed by Yueling Qianshang on the desk in front of him.

When the ministers below heard the voice suddenly, their whole body went limp with fright, they lowered their heads and remained silent.


Only after Yueling Qianshang uttered a single word, all the ministers knelt down all of a sudden, their bodies seemed to be still shaking.

He had a question mark on his face, "What are you doing?"

The minister who handed over the memorial tremblingly said, "Your Majesty, I am guilty of failing to make the glacier region develop and prosper. Please forgive me."

"Sin, I won't do it" When did he say he was going to punish these people? Why are they all scared like frightened birds? Is he that scary?

They had never seen them so afraid of him before.

Did you scare them?
Yueling Qianshang shifted his gaze to Li Qianjue. Everyone in Yueling Kingdom knew that he had the worst temper, but he was also his most trusted brother, so no one dared to act presumptuously.

Even in the court, these ministers are very well-behaved.

Li Qianjue shrugged, it's none of his business, he didn't do anything well.

"Ahem, dear friends, get up, the glacier region is not hindered, not only that, the lives of the people have become much better, it's all thanks to you.

So, I decided to take a week off for everyone to have a good rest. "

The kneeling ministers looked dumbfounded, "Is this true?" Has the problem of the glacier domain that caused many headaches really been solved?

You know, not only the Yueling Kingdom, but also the previous imperial dynasties couldn't solve it.

"Of course it's true. I don't need to deceive you. I have to thank Luoxi for this method. It was her idea that solved a big problem for us." Actually, it was unexpected for Yueling Qianshang to see results so quickly of.

Seeing that his expression did not look like he was lying, the ministers breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads one by one.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to the King of War, the eldest princess is unmatched in intelligence, and should be rewarded well." I can't imagine that a woman came up with a solution to solve their distressing problem.

"Xi'er made a suggestion, and it is the ministers who are going to implement and realize it. You have worked hard."

(End of this chapter)

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