Chapter 3130
Hearing Xue Yunkuang's shocking words, Uncle Ganlu couldn't recover, her voice was getting farther and farther away from her, and she seemed to be pulled away in an instant, and she was completely dumbfounded.

What did he mean when he said that he wanted to marry himself? Is that what she thought?
"Lulu, I'm serious, marry me."

Xue Yunkuang gently pinched her shoulders, lowered his head, his restrained eyes were full of affection, which she had never seen before.

"You, you're crazy, what are you talking about?" It's broken, could it be that Luo Xi said that there is radiation in this world, and it broke his brain?
No, she has to go to Luoxi and ask her to take a look.

"I'm not crazy, Lulu, look at me, look at me well."

Listening to the voice, Gan Lu met his eyes instinctively. At this moment, Xue Yunkuang lowered his head slightly, his eyes were shining with doting luster, so thick and so thick, as if he wanted to imprison her completely.

"You..." She found that she suddenly couldn't speak, and just looked at him like this. It was the first time that the two of them were so close.

No, it was closer when we kissed before.

Thinking of this, her little face blushed slightly, and she wanted to look away.

"Lulu, listen to me, I like you, I want to be with you, I want to go crazy, I want to tie you by my side!"

The gentle and refined Xue Yunkuang was mischievous, but well behaved, such bold and frivolous words would never come out of his mouth no matter what he thought.

But now, she not only said it, but also heard it.

"Little uncle, you, are you making a bet with Shui Qingche and the others to fool me?" Hmph, don't think she doesn't know that the three of them often cheat each other.

Unbelievable, coupled with the low self-esteem of the previous lovelorn, Gan Lu ignored the sincerity in Xue Yunkuang's eyes.

"Don't call me little uncle, call me husband."

"." Again, she felt that it was too abrupt, it was completely Xue Yunkuang that she had never seen before.

"Uh, Lulu, you know, when I knew that you and the shadow were acting, I was so happy that I was going crazy. I didn't understand you or myself before, but now, give me a chance to understand you. Is it done?"

At this moment, Gan Lu finally understood belatedly, "Are you confessing to me?" She cautiously stretched out her finger, asking a bit idioticly.

"Yes, Lulu, promise to be my girlfriend, no, be my wife."

He is a quick learner and uses a lot of knowledge in this world.

This time, it was Ganlu's turn to panic, "You, don't you regret it?"

"I regret telling you so late."

In fact, he already had her in his heart, but because of ignorance, and because he had never met her and no one told him, he didn't know that this feeling was called liking.

"Lulu, if you think it's too urgent to get the certificate, then we'll date first, and when you're willing, we'll see. Where are you going?" He didn't finish speaking.

Ganlu, who was pulling him forward, turned her head suddenly, showing a bright smile, "Of course I got the certificate. Isn't there a way in this world called marriage first and then love. Let's get the certificate first, and then fall in love."

"Okay, hehehe" Xue Yunkuang immediately smirked like a fool.

"Hurry up" is always a girl, she is still a little shy.

Xue Yunkuang chuckled, "Here we come." Then, he interlocked his fingers and walked forward.

However, when they groped to the marriage registration window, they found that there was no one there, and they were dumbfounded.

"Lulu, wait for me, I'll ask someone, the staff may have gone to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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