Chapter 3131
It wasn't until Xue Yunkuang asked others that he found out, "What, don't you go to work this weekend?" This place still has a set time for doing business. Isn't the yamen there like this?
"That's right, didn't you read what was written on the sign, those who need to apply for a certificate, come early tomorrow morning, remember to change your clothes to be tidy," the man suggested after looking at him.

How anxious this is, the wedding dress came here without changing.

The two stared at each other, then suddenly laughed.

Xue Yunkuang was a little anxious, "Lulu, can you wait, if not, I will find a way to get him back?"

He was afraid that she would change her mind in a while, and he felt uneasy. This matter must be agreed by both parties.

"Puff haha, let's choose another day, we're going to stay here for a long time, don't worry about it for a while" and come back with a whole person, does he still think it's the previous world where the strong are respected? It won't work here.

Those who disturb people's work must be held accountable.

Hearing her answer, Xue Yunkuang heaved a sigh of relief, "I'm sorry, I should have asked someone else about it earlier, so I wouldn't make a wasteful trip."

Asked, this is obviously a temporary idea of ​​the two of them.

"Okay, I'm fine, I'm hungry, let's go eat something first." After tasting the delicacies of this world yesterday, she discovered that what Luo Xi taught them was the delicacies of this world.

Xue Yunkuang said with a spoiled expression, "Okay, let's go eat" and took her hand to go out naturally.

The two of them were not in a hurry to eat dinner, but took all kinds of snacks and delicacies in their hands, and ate them as they walked along the road. The aura of love made passers-by look sideways, mainly because of their attire.

Walking well, people came to take pictures with them from time to time, the two of them took the trouble, and finally had to go to a place with few people, the park.

"Lulu, look here, look here." After Xue Yunkuang also learned to take pictures, he spared no effort to pat and pat this dry dew. It was so crazy that he couldn't help himself, and the clicking sound of taking pictures never stopped.

Regardless, the two played everything they could play in the park, and before they knew it, it was already dark.

"Good night" at the door of a room in the hotel, Ganlu turned her head and quickly pecked Xue Yunkuang on the cheek, ran back to the room, and closed it with a click.

And he, standing outside the door foolishly, stretched out his hand to touch the place where he was kissed, the three souls and seven souls seemed to be missing a few, he went back to the room and lay down with a smirk, and continued to smirk.

It turns out that being with someone you like makes a real difference.

"Congratulations, both of you, here are your documents, please take them well." At the marriage registration window, the staff smiled and handed two small red books to the two. Facing a beautiful person, the smile was a little bit more.

Xue Yunkuang held the marriage certificate as if holding an important item.

"Lulu, we're married." What Shui Qingche taught him before didn't work very well, it's better for him to do it himself.

Gan Lu gave him a white look, "Okay, don't block people, let's go out."

Then, outside the door, I couldn't help but open the marriage certificate and look at it. In the photo above, the two of them stood side by side, with smiles on their faces and happiness in their eyes. No matter how you looked at it, they were a perfect match.

"It's so beautiful." Xue Yunkuang couldn't help but boast, the technology in this world is really amazing, even more realistic than the artist's painting.

Gan Lu pinched him, "Am I good-looking in photos or am I good-looking in real life?"

This question immediately stumped Xue Yunkuang. The compliment in the selection of "My Lulu is beautiful" is definitely correct. Speaking of it, you can't be serious with your girlfriend in everything, she will teach you how to behave.

Needless to say, he has a strong desire to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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