Chapter 3151 Dealing with Trouble
Afterwards, he hung up the phone, and looked at his subordinates again. One continued to be unconscious, with a knife in his lower abdomen, while the other slowly crawled out from Huayuan Road. Feel.

A few of them are not as good as a child. Could it be that there are really martial arts practitioners in this world?
"Boss, man, man?" The subordinate who still regained consciousness kept shaking his head. He was so dizzy. Could it be that his brain is really big? Those people are really capable.

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched fiercely, "Run away."

He knew very well that Li Qianjue's family was by no means a simple generation, maybe they were some kind of hermits and masters, what this kind of people disliked the most was publicity, so he should try to hide it as much as possible.

Yuchen gave him a look of you being upright, motioned Xiyue to follow, and strode forward.

"Just in case, let someone check the possibility of surveillance."

Bai Ye was taken aback, and immediately nodded and followed behind him, "It's the young master, I understand."

Since someone has found this place, they must be prepared.

At this moment, Yu Chen frowned fiercely, looked back at a place, and almost instantly, something fell down.

"That's a drone?" Bai Ye hurried over and picked it up. There was a small camera on it, but the light was off now.

Holding the drone, Bai Ye's expression was very serious, "It's broken, it must have been photographed, I'll go find Young Master Li now, and put this matter down first."

Afterwards, he said to his subordinates who had arrived quickly: "You guys, go and look around, where is the person driving the drone!"

These killers, in order to confirm that the target was killed by themselves, have always left evidence, and the purpose is also to restrain the people who have been tasked, so that they will not talk nonsense.

Yu Chen glanced at the drone lightly, "I didn't capture it, but I still need to find someone."

"Didn't get it?" Bai Ye looked skeptical, how could it be possible, even if it was covered by trees, but with the right angle, that scene just now would definitely be photographed.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Yu Chen didn't say much, "I'm at nine o'clock, the garden pruner."

"Huh?" How did he know.

"Why are you still standing there? If you don't go, people will run away." Xiyue rolled her eyes. The people here are not only weak, but also have poor reaction ability.

The others ran out suspiciously.

Back in the villa, Jun Luoxi and Li Qianjue were sitting in the living room, the TV was on, but their eyes were not on it, they were both reading the book in their hands.

Accustomed to the touch of paper books, Jun Luoxi does not use mobile phones like other people.

"came back?"

"Hey, I'm back." Xiyue was ready to go upstairs, but she didn't expect them to meet the killer in broad daylight if they were willful.

In fact, in their world, such people usually appear more at night, and practitioners are the least alert at night, so they ignore it. In fact, killing people does not necessarily happen at night.

"Huokou" Li Qianjue raised his eyebrows. With their mental strength, it was a breeze to perceive what happened around here.

Yu Chen sat down on the sofa, "It's at the back, he'll be there soon."

When Bai Ye was shocked, there was a voice at the door, "Boss Bai, we have caught him!" They stood outside the door, not daring to come in.

The man under their pressure had a grim expression, "Let go of me, kill me, what do you guys want to do to me in broad daylight, I want to call the police, call the police!"

"Okay, would you like me to call for you? I believe that the people in the police station will be happy to take you away. I'm right, Black Three," Jun Luoxi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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