Chapter 3152 Too weak

But as soon as her words came out, the skinny man became stunned, "You, what are you talking about, I don't understand why, what black three, I don't know."

"Ordinary people only know that Black Three is a killer, but they don't know that there are actually four of you. People in the mercenary world guess that there are three of you, but no one knows that there are actually four of you."

Hei San was a single person before, a wanted criminal. After changing his appearance, he recruited several desperadoes to form this team. No one knows this better than her.

These people used to cater to her mercenary group before, but they were too cruel and mercenary, and she rejected them. She never thought that now Jin Bai accepted them, a bunch of trash.

"You, who are you?" Hei San was stunned.

Don't look at his weak appearance, but his mind is quite flexible. The person sent to deal with Bai Ye is only his companion, and he is the boss behind the scenes.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but you, you won't know until you die." You actually went to her door to make a move. Do you really think that she has no such ability now?

But I didn't expect that Jin Bai's ability is also quite great. To be able to find here must be when Li Qianjue and the others came, and their whereabouts were exposed. There is no way, the world is too advanced in technology.

Hei San suddenly knelt on the ground, "Forgive me, I was wrong, please spare my life, I can tell you who bought the crime."

He expected that Jun Luoxi and the others must not know who sent them, and if they used this as a bargaining chip, they might be able to get their life back.

"No need, we know who it is, Lao Bai, take them down, ask something useful, and you know what to do with the rest," Li Qianjue ordered coldly.

Bai Ye nodded, "Okay Young Master Li" followed by a look, covered Hei San's mouth with his hands, and dragged on.

No one can save him.

When there was no one else in the living room, Li Qianjue frowned slightly, "You guys are disobedient."

"Father, I know I was wrong, but don't worry, I used a formation, and they couldn't see it." Yu Chen bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and agreed not to use strength, but in that case, if you don't use it, it won't work.

"Let's not take this as an example. Of course, be smarter." The implication can be used, but it must not be seen by others, otherwise there will be trouble.

Xiyue grinned and threw herself into his arms, "Oh, I knew you loved us the most, Daddy."

Jun Luoxi laughed, but he didn't get entangled in this issue. If his life is threatened and he wants to hide his strength, then it's unnecessary.

If there is a problem, just find a way to solve it. With their ability, it is not difficult to make it leak-free.

Bai Ye stood quietly by the side, on the surface calm, but his heart was full of turmoil, could it be, could it be that these children are also martial arts practitioners, it's incredible.

Suddenly, he noticed a gaze staring at him, it was Li Qianjue, and he almost knelt down immediately.

"You are too weak, start from tomorrow, exercise hard!" They are too weak, they have no ability, how can they do things for him.

"Ah, good..." Could it be that Young Master Li has to personally guide them, if that's the case, it's simply a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes!
"Father, I'll come, there's nothing to do anyway." Of course, he had to pick out some good materials and make sure they wouldn't rebel, otherwise it would be boring.

"it is good."

Hearing that this matter was left to Yu Chen, Bai Ye didn't say anything, even though he was a child, he was better than any of them.

In this way, the next day, Bai Ye brought his hands down, and Yuchen selected 100 people to train. In fact, Jun Luoxi took down all the villas around this villa, all of which were their territory.

(End of this chapter)

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