Chapter 3180 Appearance
The surname Li, an unfamiliar surname, made the upper-class people puzzled. As far as they knew, there was no such surname in the wealthy families of the upper-class.

He seems to be born out of thin air, which makes people full of curiosity.

However, no matter how curious everyone was, the paparazzi tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn't find out who took over the consortium.

They didn't even know if it was the Akino Consortium who secretly sold it with their left hand and bought it with their right hand in order to change the package for fear of ruining their reputation.

Various speculations emerged one after another, but Li Qianjue, as the party involved, was as calm as ever, and everyone couldn't detect any news, so they had to wait for the day when the consortium re-listed.

"Surname Li? What's your full name?"

Jin Bai held the collected information with a curious expression on his face. With his ability, he couldn't find any information at all, which is strange.

"The confidentiality work is done very well. We only know that the person is Li Qianjue, but we don't know who he is. On the day of the scene, the attorney is fully responsible."

"Hehe, is it Li Qianjue? I want to see if he can hold the consortium!"

There was an angry look in Jin Bai's eyes, this happened before the consortium was handed over to him, it was like a thorn in his heart, and he was so uncomfortable that he was dying.

He worked hard, but what he got was such a big mess, so he naturally hated others.

If the other party really allows the consortium to operate smoothly and overcome this difficulty, wouldn't it prove that he has no such ability, and the consortium has no chance for him.

"Boss, everything is ready for the xx project, and the signing is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon."

The consortium changed to a person in charge, and Jin Bai naturally lost his shares, so he had to concentrate on running the company he set up.

"very good."

Breaking away from the Akino Consortium, after taking a small benefit in a subtle way, he was still proud of himself.

He believes that as long as he works hard, his company will still be able to grow bigger and stronger like the Akino Consortium!

On this day, the new president of Akeno Consortium is about to take over and announce the re-listing.

"Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

When the new president of the Akino Consortium took office, those shareholders were all looking forward to it, staring at the door one by one. Many of these people were old shareholders of the previous consortium.

Before announcing the company's bankruptcy, Jin Bai sold his stocks at a low price. Naturally, he didn't believe that anyone could turn the tide.

The person concerned made it clear that he wanted to make their consortium bleed severely, and his original intention was to exchange the entire consortium.

After all, if the fight between himself and Bai Ye was brought to the fore, it would have a very bad influence on him.

"It should be soon, the first day, the president will not be late"

Just as the person's voice fell, the door of the meeting room was opened, and one person walked in first.

When they saw it clearly, they were stunned, "Boss Bai?"

What's going on, he can't do it by himself.

Everyone was shocked, ignoring Li Qianjue who was about to kick out of Bai Ye.

Seeing everyone, Bai Ye smiled, "Everyone, don't come here unharmed, are you all right?"

The easy question made these people want to cry.

No, they're pretty bad, dying.

At this time, Li Qianjue had already walked to the front, and Bai Ye was followed by a man with glasses, who looked like a professional lawyer.

"Hey, don't be surprised, I'm not the president, I'm just a housekeeper now, Young Master Li, please."

Li Qianjue glanced at Bai Ye lightly, lowered his eyes, "From now on, we will have a happy cooperation."

There are no unnecessary greetings, but this statement is enough to prove that he is the newly appointed president of the consortium and the largest shareholder!

(End of this chapter)

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