Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 3181 I'm just a housekeeper

Chapter 3181 I'm just a housekeeper
The lawyer announced some things, and then showed various documents, and everyone immediately understood.

The mysterious young master Li in the rumors turned out to be the one in front of him, who looked much younger than Jin Bai, and he had such financial resources and skills, not only to settle the debt.

Even the inspections of those relevant departments have been resolved, which is amazing.

The Akino Consortium had tax evasion before and was fined. That was the problem of the previous operator. He took over as an outsider and fulfilled his responsibilities. Naturally, no one would embarrass him.

Moreover, Jin Bai can't help it, which doesn't mean Bai Ye doesn't have it. He has worked hard in the mall for many years and has stabilized the position of the consortium. His ability should not be underestimated.

I insisted on coming today because I want to tell everyone that the consortium is not his, but it still has the slightest connection with him.

In this way, it will be more convenient for Li Qianjue to manage in the future.

"Young Master Li, thank you Young Master Li for your helping hand." The shareholders all smiled.

They don't have too much or too little equity, but if they sell it in this situation, the loss is not small. Naturally, everyone hopes that someone can take over the company to reduce their losses.

Li Qianjue glanced at them expressionlessly, but did not speak.

He has always been superior, and the people under him are smarter than each other. He doesn't need to say too much, but now these things make him have an urge to throw them out.

Moreover, he secretly decided in his heart that he must switch to someone with some brains and skills.

Seeing that he didn't talk to each other, everyone felt a little unhappy, but when they thought of the gap between them and the powerful ability behind him, they were relieved.

"Young Master Li, it's time for the company to go public, can you go with us to cut the ribbon?"

Ribbon cutting?He has understood this issue before. Opening a business is all about celebrating.

"Yeah," he hummed, turned and walked towards the door.

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, "That, you guys follow too."

Everyone understood that Li Qianjue was a man of few words, and they left one by one.

In a spacious hall, a platform has been built, and there are many reporters occupying positions below, constantly adjusting, hoping to be able to stand at the best angle to capture the desired information.

"Here it comes, the mysterious Young Master Li is finally making his debut!"

Everyone was gearing up and excited.

When Li Qianjue appeared, everyone gasped involuntarily.

So handsome!

Which star is this?

Everyone searched in their minds, but Li Qianjue's face was extremely unfamiliar to them.

The moment he stood on that stage, everyone immediately took pictures continuously, and the flashlight filled the air.

Soon, a person with a microphone started a speech, and then, the ribbon-cutting ceremony began, and someone took a pair of golden scissors and put them in Li Qianjue's hands.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony was completed, and everyone quickly took pictures of this scene.

"Thank you very much for being able to come to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Mingye Consortium. Today, I announce for us, Young Master Li, that the Mingye Consortium will be renamed the Mingrui Consortium starting today."

There was warm applause, and there was order in the noise of the venue.

"Excuse me, Young Master Li, are you the new president of the Mingye Consortium? The person next to you, if I read correctly, is the founder of the Mingye Consortium? What is your relationship with him?"

Everyone knows that Bai Ye does not have a biological son, so it is guessed that he handed over the consortium to Jin Bai.

But now, he was following Li Qianjue, which inevitably aroused speculation.

"May I ask, Young Master Li, is the consortium's replacement of the person in power a dispute within you?"

(End of this chapter)

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