Chapter 3182 is a trap
Reporters didn't ask before, but now is the time for them to speak and ask.

These people's eloquence is first-rate, their speech speed is amazing, and the questions they ask are straight to the point!

The personnel responsible for maintaining order resisted some reporters who tried to approach, but these were some people, most of them stood in their positions and asked questions from a certain distance.

Li Qianjue frowned, too annoyed, why are you so wordy, is there any objection to asking these questions.

Seeing his impatient expression, Bai Ye looked helpless, "About this, I can explain that Li Shao is the president of Mingrui Consortium, everyone knows that, and I am his housekeeper."


Unexpectedly, Bai Ye's answer was like this, which directly exceeded their expectations, and each of them showed a little stunned expression.

"That's right, it was indeed my original intention when I established the consortium. When people get old, they naturally want to retire and spend their old age. As for guesses and rumors, please don't believe them."

"Then I would like to ask Li Shao, the Mingrui Consortium was able to take over smoothly, but because of your company's assistance?"

One big company can annex another. They feel that the company that can take down the Akino Consortium might be the rumored three major powers.

But what they know is that the three major forces are not named Li.

Li Qianjue pursed his lips, and took the microphone from Bai Ye's hand.

"Aid does not exist. I don't want to say more about other things. I just want to say one thing. The Mingrui Consortium will develop again. You can just wait and see."

After that, without any more nonsense, he lifted his feet and walked towards the door.

These people are so annoying, if he didn't need to show up, he wouldn't be bothered to do so much.

Seeing this, Bai Ye and the bodyguards immediately followed Li Qianjue and opened a passage for him.

However, those reporters didn't intend to stop, they chased them out one by one and kept asking.

In the end, they still couldn't ask any questions, and could only watch the utterly handsome Li Qianjue drive away in the car.

Apart from being surprised that the former founder of the consortium became Li Qianjue's housekeeper, what everyone discussed most was Li Qianjue's personal affairs.

He is handsome, rich and young, and many people are eager to know if he is married.

What's more, there are many comments on the Internet, saying that whether he is married or not, they will regard him as a male god.

Some people even took the initiative to switch jobs from their own companies to the Akeno Foundation, just to get close to their idols.

Countless people came to apply for the vacancies that had been left before.

Not only did there not appear any vacancies, but also because of the higher requirements and remuneration of the post, many talents came.

In life, what everyone is trying to do is to make their lives better.

Jin Bai, who was waiting to see the Mingrui Consortium step into his footsteps, turned black into the bottom of the pot when news came one after another.

"Bai Ye, old bastard! Plotting against me."

He looked at the press conference, Bai Ye was so respectful to Li Qianjue, and what he said, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Those words made it clear that he handed over the company to him because of his own incompetence, and was finally taken down by Li Qianjue, and he really retired to become a housekeeper.

Even so, his appearance also increased Li Qianjue's popularity, you know, he has never been so kind to himself.

"This Li Qianjue, what is the origin of it, can we find it?"

The subordinate shook his head, "Sorry boss, we didn't find anything, we only know that he appeared in City A. Before that, there was no news at all."

This means that no one knows about his past experience, where he grew up, what school he majored in, and what relatives and friends he has.

Jin Baiyin clenched his teeth: "This is a trap!"

(End of this chapter)

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