Chapter 344 The New Arrival

"Bah, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, we two are beautiful girls!" Gan Lu was dissatisfied with hearing this, and argued angrily.

This group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, and even those who were asleep or eating raised their heads and looked in the direction of Jun Luoxi and Ganlu, a little dumbfounded, as if time stood still.

"Huh?" At this time, a middle-aged man in simple clothes stood at the door. When he saw how quiet the room was, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw the basin on the ground, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"The notice from above said that there are two newcomers coming to our class. So it's you, come and give me your name." Then, the middle-aged man raised his footsteps, Ganlu's eyes widened upon seeing this.

"Wait" Jun Luoxi raised his hand to stop it, but it was still too late, a small sack flew from nowhere and hit the middle-aged man, forcing him to take two steps forward, stepping on the small small wooden boards.

Immediately afterwards, everyone raised their eyes in unison, and a bag of things on it suddenly tilted, and all of them fell on the middle-aged man.

"Ahem, you!" The middle-aged man stared at the group of men in the class, his face contorted with anger.

The corner of Ganlu's mouth twitched, and he moved closer to Jun Luoxi's side, "These pranks, shouldn't they be aimed at this mentor?" Became a clay figurine.

Jun Luoxi nodded, "Obviously."

Taking out a large handkerchief, the man wiped the flour on his face, patted it, and dispersed it with spiritual power.

"Good morning, Tutor." Just when the middle-aged man was about to scold them, the group stood up and bowed to him in unison. They looked so cute that the middle-aged man was speechless.

"Sit down, both of you, come, let me introduce myself, and then find a seat to sit down." The instructor clapped his hands and looked at Jun Luoxi and the two with a smile. It's the first time for a newcomer, so he can't be too serious.

These two little girls are probably the most obedient, he can't let them be bullied by these little devils.

"You are down."

"Dry dew."

After the two finished speaking, they took a look at each other and found their seats in the school. Everyone, you look at me, and I look at yours, and glanced at two empty seats in different directions.

"You don't mind if I sit here?" Ganlu said with a smile, looking at the nervous, round-faced man who was sitting next to him.

"Sit down." The man turned his head in disgust, not looking at her.

But when Jun Luoxi came to an empty seat, she found that everyone was looking at her, together with the mentor, and there was a person sitting next to the empty seat. , but the exposed hand was extremely pale, and he didn't know if he was asleep or pretending to be asleep.

"Well, Jun Luoxi, right? Otherwise, you can go to the utility room and bring another table. The two of you just sit together." The tutor patted himself on the head in frustration.

It's all because of his agitation, he forgot a serious matter, no one is allowed by that big devil's side.

"It's okay, I'll just sit here." Jun Luoxi's idea is to sit temporarily, if these people don't welcome her, she will move the table later, and she sat down after speaking.

At the same time, everyone in the class stood up abruptly, and there was no one in her area. Everyone looked at her sympathetically, and someone had already covered their eyes.

Just when she was surprised, the lying man slowly raised his head, and a handsome face as white as paper but too good-looking appeared in Jun Luoxi's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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