Chapter 345 Pei Leng
The man's black hair fluttered with his movements, and the morning light fell into the room and fell on his body, but strangely, he couldn't feel the temperature.

His face was too pale, and there was no trace of rosiness, just like his hand, but that handsome face was very handsome, like a snow god walking down a snow mountain.

What a handsome, cold and flawless man!
"Gudu" Seeing Jun Luoxi staring at him, the others swallowed desperately.

They all shouted in their hearts, this woman is really bold, she dared to do this.

"Hello, my name is Jun Luoxi." She raised her right hand slightly and looked at the man.

A cold light flashed in the man's eyes, and his eyes slowly fell on her hands. After a while, he turned his head away and continued to lie on his stomach.

A little embarrassed, Jun Luoxi withdrew her hand. It seemed that her deskmate had a weird temper, so it didn't matter. Maybe the people here don't understand the meaning of shaking hands as a friendly gesture.

"Uh..." Everyone looked at Jun Luoxi stupidly, and then at the man beside her, the expressions in their eyes were different, and even the mentor was stunned for a long time before waking up like a dream.

"Ahem, go back to your seats, let's start the class!" The tutor broke the silence and said, then took out the book and started teaching. Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu also took out the corresponding book and listened.

"I said, why did you have that expression just now?" Lowering her voice, Ganlu asked the baby-faced man next to her suspiciously.

He looked vigilantly at Jun Luoxi's side, and then slowly withdrew his gaze, "He, before, no matter men or women, everyone who sat beside him was blown away or beaten up, even the instructor can't do anything to him, you Friends are lucky, but I advise you to move a table yourself later."

"So serious, are you kidding me?" Gan Lu was very skeptical, but the other party didn't want to explain anymore.

"Then what's his name?" He was quite handsome, but he was so cold, she could feel a gust of cold wind blowing from his body from such a distance.

The baby-faced man hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "His name is Pei Leng."

On the other hand, Jun Luoxi didn't know the name of her deskmate, and continued to listen to the class. The instructor at the front was talking about some basics of cultivation, which she saw from the tree, but she was not impatient.

Holding a pen to record some things that she didn't understand thoroughly, suddenly, someone threw something from behind her, she turned her head immediately, and the brush in her hand fell to the ground immediately.

But everyone's expressions are the same, I don't know who deliberately tricked her, it's boring.

Looking down at the writing brush she dropped, she found that it landed on the foot of the person beside her, but she couldn't reach it, so she frowned.

"Uh" originally wanted to call him, but thinking that he was unhappy just now, Jun Luoxi didn't want to beg for that boring thing, and planned to wait until the intermission to pick it up.

Soon, an hour passed, and Jun Luoxi spared him from the other side, but as soon as he got to his side, a few of them began to tease, "Jun Luoxi, are you so dark, are you born or disguised? "

Jun Luoxi snorted coldly, "Are you blind, can't you see by yourself?" Then squatted down.

At this time, a snow-white hand held the brush and handed it to Jun Luoxi, "Your?"

"Well, thank you." Jun Luoxi smiled back, took the brush and got up, but the people around were shocked and surprised by Pei Leng's action, and they all couldn't say a word like a ghost.

"Trouble give way, it's blocking the way." Jun Luoxi said helplessly, this group of people looked like a group of children who hadn't grown up.

(End of this chapter)

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