Chapter 356

"Both monsters and monster eggs can be hunted in the monster forest outside, and then sold, let's go, Luoxi, let's go and have a look." On a whim, Ganlu wanted to go and have a look.

After so many years, she also wanted to raise a contract monster. However, although Wangyue City is big, the quality of monster eggs is not very good. Here, near the academy, the quality of monster eggs should be guaranteed.

Seeing her go in, Jun Luoxi had no choice but to keep up. Speaking of monster eggs, when she first came here, she thought they were for eating. Although she also knew that eggs could hatch, eggs and duck eggs in that world could be eaten. .

But she didn't succeed, because the stone egg in the World of Warcraft space couldn't be broken at all, and she didn't know when it would hatch, and what the hell it could hatch.

Maybe, she should buy an egg and go back to hatch it. What if the egg never hatches in Warcraft Space? Thinking about it, Jun Luoxi made up her mind to buy one.

Damn woman, change her mind when she sees a difference, let's see how he educates her when he goes out.

"Girls, look at the Warcraft eggs. Which price are you going to see? We have six floors here, and each floor has a different character. After buying the Warcraft eggs and hatching, we contract three months of treatment for the newborn Warcraft. , including sickness and the like, there are specialized veterinarians, which price do you need to see?"

The visitor was very discerning, and found that Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu were new faces, so he started to introduce them.

"Go to the sixth floor and have a look." Gan Lu said without thinking about it, if you buy something better, don't think about it.

"Luoxi, let's go" Seeing Jun Luoxi staring at the monster eggs in a display cabinet on the first floor, Ganlu immediately reminded her.

Jun Luoxi did not follow, but pointed curiously at the slapped monster eggs, "Why don't you clean those monster eggs?" There was some dust on them.

The waiter paused and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, both of you, our store is busy on weekdays, the cleaning guy may be lazy and didn't clean up. As for those monsters, they are dead eggs and some low-level ones for display. , good Warcraft eggs are upstairs, please."

"Oh..." Jun Luoxi paused for a moment and did not speak, she turned her gaze and followed up to the sixth floor.

"Take a look, both of you. This is a six-layer monster egg. If you want to see it, please handle it with care. You will be compensated for any damage. So decide which one to buy, and just take it there and pay the bill." The waiter was very polite. The parked aside, each followed.

This made Jun Luoxi and Ganlu very satisfied. The most annoying thing when shopping is that there are people following behind.

"Luo Xi, what do you think of this?" Gan Lu looked at a lavender watermelon-sized monster egg, his eyes lit up, and he reached out to touch it, feeling the power emanating from the monster egg.

Ganlu let him see, Jun Luoxi walked over naturally, she just put her fingers on it, then shook her head, "Look again, Zilinbao is fast, but I don't think you will like it either."

Every monster egg here will be labeled with the type of monster at the bottom for people to identify. The one that Ganlu thought looked good just now is a kind of monster called Zilin Leopard. It looks like a leopard and moves quickly. Light purple.

"Hey, you still understand me" said, Ganlu withdrew her hand and was about to lift her footsteps, but at this moment, a mocking voice fell into their ears.

"The price is so expensive, I'm afraid I can't afford it, and I just want to say that I don't like it, haha."

Gan Lu and Jun Luoxi frowned at the same time, looked towards the voice, and immediately saw an elegant woman in a light green dress. There were two people beside her, one of whom was familiar to them.

(End of this chapter)

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