Chapter 357 You Have Money, You Buy It
"Miss Jun, girl, what a coincidence that we can meet here." An Qian looked surprised that Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu would be here, but at this moment, the woman beside her raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

"Sister Qianqian, do you know them?" The woman in green was very surprised.

An Xi nodded lightly, "This is the second time we meet, let me introduce you. One of them is Princess Yueyu Shengchao Nanping, and the other is Miss Wangyuecheng."

"Princess Nanping? Is she the one Jiaojiao told us, the former fiancée of Mr. Yueyu?" The woman in green looked disgusted, and it was as dark as the rumors said.

An Xi continued: "Well, it's her, Miss Jun, this is."

"Needless to say, I know, Shou Xingcheng, the third lady from the city lord's family, Zhao Lin" Ganlu said lightly, with very disdainful eyes, three, these people really have a lot of fate with this word.

Shouxing City, like Moonwatching City, is not under the jurisdiction of any Holy Dynasty, but it is the object that Anxi and the others want to win over, so it must be because of this, they should get closer to her.

And the children of the direct line, like them, have been educated since they were young, not to associate with people from the royal family, so as not to be counted against. Of course, she is not stupid, knowing what kind of attitude the royal family has. When contacting them, they must hold Purpose.

"You!" Zhao Lin blushed furiously when Gan Lu deliberately uttered two words.

"Luoxi, let's keep watching, look after it, let's buy this place and stay for a long time, we will be in a bad mood!" Ganlu said, pulling Jun Luoxi aside.

To tell the truth, she has heard a little bit about Zhao Lin's character, she is a very realistic woman, she is very close to An Xi, and she probably has her own ideas, hehe, one is plotting against the other.

"Ganlu, you and I have no grievances, why bother to speak so harshly!" Zhao Lin was very annoyed, she was talking about Jun Luoxi, how could she offend this young lady.

Damn it, the direct line is amazing, don't you know that the word concubine sounds really ugly.

"Bad? Then what you said just now sounds good?" Gan Lu sneered, not to mention this, Jun Luoxi's tone made her very upset.

Zhao Lin was also annoyed, anyway, they guarding Star City didn't need to buy Moon City's face, not to mention that in places like Fengyun, it was all their personal grievances, and she would not be reconciled if they didn't get back their face.

"Where did my words sound ugly, I'm afraid you are overthinking yourself, girl." Zhao Lin sneered, she was so angry that she seemed to roll up her sleeves to fight, but luckily Jun Luoxi stopped her.

"Lulu, there's no need to say so much about people who are born with low self-esteem." Isn't the mocking of her just to enhance her sense of superiority? She has seen this kind of people a lot.

As soon as these words came out, Ganlu's inner dissatisfaction was calmed down. She hooked her lips and smiled, "Yeah, we can't afford it, maybe it's me who can't afford it." She wanted to find a sense of superiority from them, and she thought too much.

"You guys! Who said I can't afford it!" Zhao Lin was annoyed, her face flushed, she stared angrily at Jun Luoxi and Ganlu, her hands clenched into fists, if it wasn't for the prohibition of fighting here, she would have rushed up.

"If you can afford it, you can buy it. There's no need to tell us, right Lulu?" Ganlu stands up for herself, and Jun Luoxi doesn't want to be silent. Sometimes it's not enough to keep a low profile, so you have to raise your profile. Now is the time.

Zhao Lin suddenly felt a little embarrassed. The monster eggs here are very expensive. She is just a concubine lady, how much spare money can she have to buy them? For a while, she regretted that she should not be hit by the aggressive method.

(End of this chapter)

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