Chapter 376

"What do you mean?" Yue Yuli stared at Jun Luoxi, every time she showed such a smile, he had an ominous premonition.

Without even looking at Yueyu Litian, Jun Luoxi smiled evilly: "As for me, I am a soft-spoken person, not as good as Senior Sister An. If everyone doesn't admit this bet, I will suffer a lot!"

"You suspect that I'll play tricks?" An Xi's face was almost dark, this woman really became more and more annoying the more she got along with her.

As everyone knows, she doesn't need to know that she insisted on finding it herself to make her unhappy, and to make revenge on her own, so she can't blame others.

Jun Luoxi nodded, then shook her head violently, "Of course I didn't mean that, I did it just in case, or is it that Senior Sister An has no information about you?"

An Xi took a deep breath, "Stand now!" Then she made an oath, and if she lost, she would leave Fengyun Academy.

Jun Luoxi smiled and made an oath, "Then, the competition will be over in a month."

"What? One month!" Before An Qian could speak, Zhao Lin spoke with a surprised expression. The time was too long. Could it be that this woman wanted to run away.

The people around were also surprised, no matter what, there is no need to wait for such a long time.

But Jun Luoxi shrugged innocently, "I can't help it. I admit that my strength is too low. I have only been in the academy for less than two months. Of course I need to study, because I really can't beat Senior Sister An now."

If you can't beat it, then you still challenge it, and if you can't just go to death, the people who eat melons are very speechless, impulsiveness is the devil, and you can't do things impulsively.

An Xi felt complacent when she heard the words, and admitted that she is stronger, it's good to have this recognition.

"But it won't be so in one month, I will definitely defeat you!" One month is enough time, and she should be able to break through with the help of pills.

At present, it is necessary to completely open the seal that has been half lifted on the second layer. She believes that she can still do it.

"You are confident." An Xi sneered, her face full of disbelief. In a month, even if she took the best pill to break through, her weak body still couldn't bear it.

"Of course, self-confidence is synonymous with me," Jun Luoxi said in a lively manner, not to mention how arrogant she was.

An Xi looked at her coldly, "Then it will be as you wish, for a period of one month, and today, one month later, we will see you in the ring! At that time, I want you to get out of the academy!"

Get out, it's still unknown who gets out in the end.

"Get out? If you lose, Senior Sister An, then just crawl out, the speed of rolling is too fast." If you still need to get out, An Xi is really not very kind, but it doesn't matter.

"Little talk is great, let's see if you still have the ability!" Zhao Lin yelled, yelling disdainfully.

However, Jun Luoxi didn't bother to pay attention to her, and came to Ganlu's side, "Sorry for keeping you waiting, let's go back, what do you want to eat, I'll cook!"

As soon as she heard the food, Gan Lu suddenly became energetic, "Hot pot!"

"Okay, clear soup hot pot, that's it!" The two gradually drifted away, as if the bet about staying or going just now was not important at all.

"Ah, but I want to eat spicy hotpot." Ganlu pursed her mouth aggrieved, looking as if she was about to drool.

At this time, the other ultimate class disciples said, "I'll talk about it later, in your current situation, it would be good if you can eat clear soup."

Pei Leng narrowed his eyes and glanced at Yueyu Litian and the others. He took a few strides forward and followed Jun Luoxi and others to leave. The melon eaters also left the venue, but the bet between the two spread quickly. .

(End of this chapter)

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