Chapter 377 is quite small
"Let's go too." Anxi smiled and looked at Yue Yuli, but Pei Leng's tall, cold, handsome and full of temperament couldn't get out of her mind. That man was really a rare handsome man.

It's a pity that he would be friends with that ugly Jun Luoxi.

After regaining consciousness, Yue Yuli didn't see the look in An Qian's eyes comparing him with Pei Leng, "Well, let's go."

On the other side, after helping Ganlu back, Jun Luoxi called hot water to let her take a comfortable bath, cooked her a delicious meal, and instantly recovered her blood.

"It's still Luoxi, your craftsmanship is good, what should I do, if I were a man, I would fall in love with you." Gan Lu's eyes were staring, and she really didn't know who would be so lucky in the future to be able to eat the soup she made often.

"I don't mind who says you have to be a man or a woman. Of course, I'm sure I won't respond to you, so you'd better just love silently." Jun Luoxi ate slowly, Very calm.

The corner of Ganlu's mouth twitched, "How can you be so cruel, aren't you afraid of hurting my young heart?"

"Young?" Jun Luoxi said, looked at Ganlu, nodded, "It's quite small, come and eat more."

With a swipe, Ganlu's cheeks flushed red, and she couldn't say a word, she, was she raped by Jun Luoxi, why did she feel shy?

Sighing in his heart, Ganlu secretly said, when this Jun Luoxi is handsome, he feels more secure than a man.

"Okay, don't tease you, eat well and rest well, don't go to school for a few days, I will write down important knowledge points and explain them to you." This little girl regards herself as a good friend, of course she Think about your friends too.

Gan Lu nodded hastily, "Okay, but I have one more request!" As she spoke, she stretched out a finger.

"What do you want to say?"

"You have to cook something delicious for me." Gan Lu grinned, "This way I can recover quickly!"

That's a fair thing to say, and there's nothing wrong with it.

"No problem!" Just like that, the time went on for three consecutive days. When the disciples of the ultimate class knew that Ganlu was injured and came to see her, they vaguely noticed that she had gained a lot of weight.

The news that Gan Lu was seriously injured in the competition with Zhao Lin soon reached the ears of the city lord Gan. As a father, he immediately came to Fengyun Branch to visit his precious daughter.

But they came secretly, so Ganlu went to find her father on the grounds that she needed to rest, and the family went to reunite, but Jun Luoxi refused to go with her.

On this day, after finishing her studies, she began to wander around the academy. The Fengyun branch has a wide range, and she has been here for a while, but she has not been able to go around the academy and know where it is.

On the contrary, Zangshuge often goes there, and he has a good understanding of all kinds of basic knowledge in this world. In his spare time, he helps Mr. Mo post his books, as if he forgot the bet with Anxi.

Jun Luoxi knew there was no need to rush this kind of thing, so she didn't panic. She studied and practiced steadily, and connected the sword skills Li Qianjue taught her over and over again. While cultivating her spiritual power, she didn't forget to improve internal force.

As she walked, she found that she had come to a place she had never been before. There was a quiet bamboo forest blocking the way.

"Huh?" She wanted to turn around and leave, but she suddenly discovered the difference in the bamboo forest.

Staring carefully at these bamboo forests, she soon found a bell sound path that could accommodate one person, winding and hidden in the bamboo forest.

(End of this chapter)

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