Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 384 This time I will come by myself

Chapter 384 This time I will come by myself
Just to be able to study this thing wholeheartedly. After all, this thing has never been done before, and many of them need to be explored slowly. He even made some simple models before starting to make.

Jun Luoxi shook her head and chuckled when she heard the words: "No, this time, I will do it myself." She used to hold this thing in her hand almost every day, and no one is more familiar with its structure than her.

What's more, she once ordered someone to build a smooth pot, and she personally supervised it. She just wrote down the process of making a strong pot from memory, but she can do it herself.

The old man looked at the figure, and then at Jun Luoxi, with suspicion in his eyes, "You, can you do it?" These small arms and legs, thin skin and tender flesh, can withstand the heat in the fire room.

"Don't worry." Jun Luoxi smiled confidently. This place is no different from that world. There is air conditioning or something, but since there is no such thing, she doesn't want to.

In order to complete the task, she once led a group of people to the hot tropical land, where it was hotter than here, even breathing was scorching hot, and even the internal organs felt hot.

She can still bear the heat here, and besides, there is spiritual power, and she can use part of it to cool down, which is very good.

"That's all right, there are all kinds of materials over there, and there are also smelting boilers, you can choose it yourself." The old man generously instructed where something was, and then tapped the thing in his hand.

Jun Luoxi nodded and walked in, Ganlu looked puzzled, "Ale, what about me, what should I do?" She didn't seem to have anything to do.

"Help me look at the furnace, and when this thing is made, I'll give you one." Jun Luoxi chuckled, asking Ganlu to play, she doesn't necessarily want to go if she doesn't know anyone, why don't you find something for her to do.

"Okay, but what's the use of this thing?" Looking at the blueprint, Ganlu was at a loss. What can this palm-sized thing be used for? To launch a hidden weapon, but how much can it hold.

Not to mention, it looks like a bow and crossbow, but she doesn't want to. Ganlu, who is very curious, stares at the drawing, wishing to stare at a hole.

Jun Luoxi narrowed her eyes, and said very mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes." There is no sense of surprise when you say it now, not to mention, this time, she wants to transform it to make it more powerful, so she needs to more time.

"Okay." Gan Lu knew that Jun Luoxi would not reveal anything until the last moment, so she followed her and watched the melting for her after she selected the materials.

And taking advantage of this time, Jun Luoxi came to the backyard and started to fabricate the model with the soft clay. She did it very seriously, and the old man who came to drink water halfway sighed, she didn't come to play, she was serious.

Thinking of that strange pattern, the old man shook his head. This little girl often designs these weird things, and she doesn't know what this one is for.

"Luoxi, come and take a look, is this all right?" Seeing that the meteorites melted, Ganlu shouted. At the same time, she was very surprised. She didn't expect those weapons to look like this after melting, similar to water, glowing red. , the breath is hot.

"Not enough, wait another half an hour" She just did her best, and by the standards of that world, it was too fragile to be used here.

"Oh..." Ganlu silently added firewood, watched the meteoric iron continue to smelt, and the impurities inside slowly separated as the temperature rose, and immersed in the bottom of the pot.

Only Ganlu is willing to come here with Jun Luoxi, otherwise, how could the majestic Miss Wangyuecheng be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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