Chapter 385 You Are Wrecking

"Is this a model? Interesting!" Seeing the clay model made by Jun Luoxi, Gan Lu was extremely surprised. The out-of-body model was indeed more obvious than it looked on the picture.

Jun Luoxi nodded, "Yes, the finished model is like this." She started to make models of each part, the size was the same, and after they could fit right, she started to make them with the smelted iron.

Big drops of sweat kept coming out of his forehead, but Jun Luoxi at most just wiped it with his sleeve casually, and then devoted himself into the process of making these things.

At this time, she had to lament the backwardness of the world's technology. These things can be done without hands, but they have to.

Feelings are emotions, but she doesn't particularly dislike this world. Different lifestyles, the strong are respected, and the alternative life of wanton rivers and lakes is also very interesting. It's always the same, and it's not interesting.

Seeing Jun Luoxi's serious and eclectic appearance, Gan Lu silently admired her. If it were her, she might not have such patience.

Turning around, he found that the old man was also looking at him, with admiration and surprise in his eyes, he didn't say anything, then turned and left, even for the sake of her seriousness, he had to make a good job of that powerful pot .

As an elder, you cannot lose to a young man.

"You're running out of firepower." Before leaving, the old man reminded her, who was looking fascinated by the side, and she immediately stood by the furnace obediently, added firewood, and fanned the heat with a fan.

Time passed, and it was dark, but Jun Luoxi had no intention of leaving, and continued to fiddle with it until Gan Lu was so sleepy that he yawned, and then the two returned to the academy.

The next day, after the study was over, Jun Luoxi couldn't wait to go to the blacksmith's shop again, and continued to tinker with it for three consecutive days.

On the fifth day, Jun Luoxi made three things with exactly the same appearance and put them on the table.

"It's done?" Seeing this, the old man immediately came over to take a look. When he picked up the thing, it was slightly heavy, but it was much lighter than a sword.

"How to use it?" Ganlu was excited. She stared at Jun Luoxi with starry eyes. For some reason, she always felt that this thing could give her a great surprise.

Jun Luoxi grinned, "Try it and see which one you like, I'll teach you how to use it."

After listening to it, Ganlu couldn't wait to pick it up and try it out, and chose one that was not heavy and easy to use, "This, I like this!"

"Very well, watch my movements carefully." Jun Luoxi chuckled, picked up one of them, opened the clip, put the bullets in, and loaded it. Although Ganlu was a bit clumsy, it was done quickly.

Then, he aimed at a meteorite source stone in the yard, and pulled the trigger on the one where the stone overlapped with the meteorite.

With a touch, the stones exploded at such a speed that it was almost impossible to see when it was sent out.

"Wow!" Ganlu was excited, holding the lukewarm muzzle of the gun, "Such a small iron bead has such great power, it's amazing." It's not easy to give the enemy a fatal blow at a critical moment.

Jun Luoxi is quite confident, "I didn't add spiritual power just now, but if I add spiritual power, the effect will be even greater." Well, she has attached a little bit of spiritual power, and she didn't dare to add too much, so she has this power.

"Really, I'll try." Ganlu became interested, took a gun and started aiming at the pile of meteorite source stones, and then pulled the trigger.

With a "bang!", a pillar behind him fell to the ground with a bang, and countless tiles fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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