Chapter 386
Jun Luoxi and the old man dodge immediately, patting the dust on their bodies, the old man looked at Ganlu helplessly, "Try again, you just want to destroy it."

Ganlu stuck out her tongue, "No, I didn't do it, it was the hand that moved first." As she said, Ganlu pointed to the thing in her hand, and at the same time was full of doubts. She was clearly aiming at there, how could it appear in the Behind, it's too weird.

At this time, Jun Luoxi had already arrived at the pile of meteorite source stones, and saw that the bullet hit the meteorite but could not penetrate it and rebounded.

"This bullet is made of meteorite and cannot be broken, so it rebounded. Lulu, if you use it in the future, you must pay attention to the direction of the rebound, so as not to hurt yourself." This is a loophole, but there is no way around it.

Ganlu nodded belatedly, "Okay, I see."

"What's the name of this thing? It's very interesting." The old man looked at the things in the hands of Jun Luoxi and Ganlu with flooded eyes, but kept glancing at the handful left on the side table.

"It's called a pistol" asked the name, Jun Luoxi of course told the truth.

"Well, little girl, since I have provided so many materials, can you give me that one?" The old man pointed at the one on the table embarrassingly. It is a good choice for self-defense. It is also quite far away, and most importantly, it is powerful.

Jun Luoxi shook her head, and put it away in front of him, "Sorry, time is limited, I only made three, and this one is for giving away."

"To whom, can't it be later, you are making another one?" The old man was very regretful, and looked at her eagerly.

"Well, of course I can't tell you, but I can give you the blueprints. The models I made are all there, and it's not difficult for you to set them up." Jun Luoxi sent out the blueprints as he said.

The old man was taken aback, "Aren't you worried?" Don't worry about his large-scale production?After all, it is more convenient than a bow and crossbow in terms of power and carrying. It doesn't need to be put in the ring at all, it can be hidden on the body.

"I believe in the character of the senior." Jun Luoxi smiled. Of course, she guessed what the old man was worried about. However, it is only a test product at present. What she will make in the future is sophisticated, and it is currently in the trial stage.

Even if it leaks out, she doesn't worry about it. The drawings only have the shape, and the structure inside is all in the clay model she made. It's useless to take away the drawings.

"Based on your words, old man, I guarantee that the blueprint will be destroyed after I finish making it!" The old man patted his chest and said.

"Then thank you senior, these are the cost of materials, please help us to make these again, the more the better," she said, leaving a bullet and the same card, and then Ganlu left here.

The old man took the blueprints and papers, smiled helplessly, put them away carefully, glanced at the destroyed house, sighed, picked up the shelf and repaired it, looked at the pillar that was pierced and broken, his eyes The light deepens.

"Luoxi, thank you, I like it so much, by the way, can you teach me how to make one next time?" Gan Lu looked at Jun Luoxi expectantly and anxiously.

"Actually, one is enough, but you can do it yourself if you want." Jun Luoxi didn't refuse, she has always been very accurate in judging people, and Ganlu wouldn't have any other bad intentions.

Hearing this, Ganlu chuckled, "I know, but it would be nice to have one more for self-defense, right, and I want to make one myself for my cheap dear father, whose birthday is at the end of the year."

"Quietly, I want to give him a surprise." Ganlu said with a smile, her father must need this kind of self-defense.

(End of this chapter)

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