Chapter 387 Who else is there

After listening, Jun Luoxi only felt a warm feeling in his heart, and felt relieved for the city lord. It is a kind of happiness to have this daughter who thinks about him.

"Okay, I won't say, but in the next half month, I'm afraid I don't have time." She read the books related to formations, and she also made the thing she wanted to make, and the next step is to use all her strength To study and practice.

Ganlu nodded, "I know, it doesn't matter when you're not busy, or if you don't have time, didn't you give the blueprint to that senior, hehe, I'll let him teach me."

That old man is quite easy to talk to, if she is more well-behaved, the other party will not ignore her.

Jun Luoxi raised his eyebrows, "It makes sense!"

"But Lulu, although this thing is very useful, you can't rely on it too much, understand?" This world is still dominated by strength, and these things she made are just as auxiliary.

It is impossible to rely on this thing to play around in this world, no matter whether Ganlu will be affected or not, she has to remind her.

"I know, don't worry, I know what to do." Gan Lu nodded heavily, of course she knew what Jun Luoxi was worried about, but she knew what to do.

"That's good, let's go back." Jun Luoxi smiled, since she said so, she was relieved.

After returning home, Ganlu has been playing with this thing at night, practicing loading and loading bullets, having a great time playing, like a child getting a favorite toy, and she doesn't know when she falls asleep after playing with it.

Jun Luoxi smiled helplessly, and fell asleep after practicing for a while. When Maoshi came, she tiptoed out of the house and went to the snowy and frivolous bamboo forest.

As soon as "Eh" walked out of the tree-lined path, a fierce attack suddenly hit her. Jun Luoxi recovered a little, and immediately drew out the blood blade to deal with it. The last battle was staged again in the small courtyard.

But this time, the meaning of battle learning guidance is deeper.

"The reaction is still slow, not enough!" Xue said frivolously and coldly, and the attack in his hand didn't stop. Although he made moves against Jun Luoxi's ability, none of his moves were perfunctory.

Jun Luoxi pursed her lips tightly, she didn't deny it, but fought seriously. A strict teacher produces a good student. She would rather Xue be stricter with her frivolously than teach her to be ostentatious. It's so boring.

After studying seriously at Xue Qingkuang's place, Jun Luoxi returned to the place where she was staying to freshen up, and she went out with her.

"Hey, you're here." Everyone greeted Jun Luoxi enthusiastically, but they still smelled something different, why did the seats of these people seem to have changed.

"Well, here we are, what are you hiding?" Seeing everyone standing in a row, concealed, a dark light flashed in Jun Luoxi's eyes, and he couldn't help but speak.

They shook their heads in unison, and swayed their bodies following her gaze, "It's nothing, it's coming soon, please sit down."

"Wow, there are poisonous snakes!" Gan Lu suddenly jumped beside them, pointing at the ground and shouting, the group of people backed away immediately, and by the time they knew they had been fooled, it was already too late.

"What's the matter with your faces?" Jun Luoxi looked at the dozen or so men hiding behind him. They were spotless, but their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, as if they had been severely beaten by someone.

They all shook their heads, "I didn't pay attention on the road, I fell into a pit."

"Lie!" Jun Luoxi frowned, very displeased, fell into a pit, such a lame reason, who would believe it.

There was a bang at the door, and two people smashed at the door, and Pei Leng stepped on the back of a person's hand with one foot.

"Say, besides the two of you, who else?"

(End of this chapter)

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