Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 388 You Shouldn't Be Impulsive

Chapter 388 You Shouldn't Be Impulsive

"Let us go, or you will regret it!" The other party was beaten to shame, but still yelled ferociously, without showing any weakness.

A trace of coldness flashed in Pei Leng's eyes, and the strength under his feet became heavier, and the two of them immediately screamed.

At this time, Jun Luoxi could clearly see that the breathing of these beaten people accelerated, and a trace of anger flashed in their eyes.

"They did it?" Jun Luoxi frowned. The ultimate class has always been called trash. Few people take action against the disciples of the ultimate class because they think they are strong and don't bother to do anything to them. What happened today? They hurt them so much many people.

Although they didn't speak, Jun Luoxi saw affirmation in their eyes. She walked over slowly and looked down at them.

"You are Jun Luoxi's trash, ha ha, a bunch of trash!" The man laughed disdainfully, enduring the pain.

Jun Luoxi's eyes flickered slightly, she had an idea in her mind, but she didn't realize it, she squatted down and smiled like a cunning fox, "Then do you know what it's like to be angry?"

"What do you mean?" Facing Shangjun Luoxi's stern eyes, his heart skipped a beat, subconsciously frightened.

However, Jun Luoxi told him with practical actions. She quickly took out his other hand, took out the dagger, and stabbed at the back of his hand.

"Ah, my hand!" The other party screamed, trying to struggle, but the hand didn't seem to be his own. His companion was so frightened that he closed his eyes and even forgot to breathe.

"Howling, howling, it's so ugly!" Jun Luoxi was dissatisfied, he slapped his palm, and the clear voice resounded throughout the school, and when he opened his eyes, he found a dagger stuck in his fingertips, and his hand was intact, he couldn't bear it. Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he was even more scared, aiming so accurately, if she was serious, would it be possible that she lost all five fingers.

"Where's your partner? I don't want to ask again if you repeat it." Jun Luoxi stretched out his fingers and flicked the dagger lightly, feeling the coldness between his fingers, and the other party couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"they, they"

"Waste, let our brothers go out to die!" At this time, there was a burst of angry voices outside the courtyard, followed by footsteps, and this group of people walked in.

"You guys, which class are you students in? It's study time now. What are you doing here?" Accompanied by a doubtful voice, it belonged to the instructor.

Hearing the sound, the two breathed a sigh of relief, they finally came.

Pei Leng and Jun Luoxi looked at each other, they stepped on their other hand fiercely, walked out, Gan Lu saw her, and passed her over from this person, others followed suit, and the two lived together Was stunned.

"It's them?" Jun Luoxi glanced at the disciples behind him, they paused and nodded.

And before Jun Luoxi could make a move, Fang Fang's long sword rushed over. She and Pei Leng rushed up, and the gang surrounded them.

However, before Ganlu and the others went up to help, the twenty or so people who came from the other side were all beaten to the ground in an instant!

The instructor was dumbfounded, "This."

"Master Wu, what's going on, why have all my disciples been beaten?" A surprised and angry voice sounded, and a middle-aged man hurried over.

After Jun Luoxi and the others saw it, they were suddenly surprised, what a trick, and why the mentor also appeared.

Ganlu came back to her senses, feeling bad, and came to Jun Luoxi's side, "It's bad, I feel like we've been tricked, you shouldn't be impulsive" Now it's all right, someone caught me straight.

(End of this chapter)

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