Chapter 628
Jun Luoxi pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't keep shouting like a condor, you must have a name, what's your name?"

"This Condor is called Flying Condor!" Fat Ugly Bird raised his head, his mouth was a little red from the heat, but because of the delicious food, his small mung bean-sized eyes blinked happily.

"I'm the name, the extra name" Who asked you about the breed, really, communicating with children is a bit more laborious.

The fat ugly bird tilted its head, "Name? No, I have been in this world since I was born, and I have never seen my parents." Although it was inside the egg and was placed in the World of Warcraft space by Jun Luoxi, to the outside world, it is still understand.

"Then shall I give you a name?" Thinking that his parents were not around, Jun Luoxi's brows and eyes softened, and he reached out to touch the fat ugly bird's head.

Its feathers are very soft, like a chick that has just hatched. It is fluffy and fluffy. It's just this color, a bit like a peacock.

Fat Ugly Bird's eyes brightened, "Okay, okay, give me a catchy and loud name, so that people and monsters will be in awe when they hear my name from now on!"

"Fantasy, loud?" Jun Luoxi has black hair, the little guy has so many names, whether he has the ability or not has nothing to do with whether his name is loud or not, okay?

Fat Ugly Bird nodded hurriedly, "Yeah, yes, after all, I want to be famous all over the world in the future. If my name is not famous, I can't do it."

Jun Luoxi had a sly look on his face, "Okay, let's call it Fatty. It's easy to remember and nice to hear. Usually there won't be a duplicate name."

Without the expected answer or name, the fat ugly bird was stunned, "What? Fat fat?" Is the name cool, loud, and not good at all, and in an instant, it feels wronged, and the fluff on its body seems to be all over the place. Drooping on the body, listless.

"Yeah, Fatty, I think it's pretty good. Why, you don't like it?" Jun Luoxi squinted her eyes, so she wouldn't say that she chose a bad name, as long as it sounds good and easy to remember, she won't bother to choose complicated ones. name.

I just wanted to say it was not good, but I thought that Jun Luoxi might be angry, but in the end I still can’t change the fact, and I might be a vegetarian, without meat, so delicious food will be far away from me, fat ugly bird, oh no, fat Compromised.

"Okay, fat is fat!" It seemed to be angry with itself, eating food with big mouthfuls, and it was called this name for the time being, and when he became stronger in the future, it might be okay to change it.

Ahaha, it's so smart.

Jun Luoxi didn't know why Feifei lost just now, but he became excited after eating, thinking that it was delicious, and immediately scooped up another big bowl of meat for him.

Looking at the delicious meat, I don't care about being fat. Having meat to eat is a happy thing.

"Hih, I'm so full." Fatty lay on the ground, caressing his swollen belly with his full stomach, squinting his eyes happily.

Jun Luoxi was speechless, and picked up the clean pot and went to the stream to wash it. She used to make a pot of food, and she could eat it for many days, but now that she has fat, it is not enough.

"Chirp," a sharp bird cry sounded, and a human-sized eagle and vulture flew over Jun Luoxi's head, and Fatty's scream was heard the next second.

"Ah, what are you doing, let go of the Condor, master, master, save the beast, they are robbing!" Fatty shouted loudly.

Jun Luoxi looked up for a while, only to see Fatty's two calves struggling, and in the blink of an eye, the eagle flew far away.

Robbery?With its colorful and ugly appearance, which beast would fall in love with it?
(End of this chapter)

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