Chapter 629
"Good guy, you actually robbed my beast in front of me, you're so good!" Jun Luoxi quickly chased after the eagle and vulture.

Her legs couldn't reach her wings, and Jun Luoxi didn't run very far, but she still lost. After all, he flies fast, but she can't run fast.

But fortunately, there is a contract, she can feel the position of Feifei, and seeing that there is food on the other leg of the eagle vulture, it will be a while before she will attack Feifei, Jun Luoxi is slightly relaxed in one breath.

"I have always said that I am a Condor, so I must have the ability to protect myself." So comforting himself, Jun Luoxi hurried away after finding the route.

If you can't even protect yourself, what else is there to talk about?It's just that the little guy just broke his shell, so we can't ask too much of it!

Half an hour later, Jun Luoxi stopped on the edge of a steep cliff, looking down at the bottomless, black line! "Meow, what fate do I have with the cliff?"

The first time I went through it, I fell off the cliff, and then fell again, and met Xiaobai. Now, I still come, why are there so many cliffs in this world.

Cliff: Blame me?
"Master, master, are you here?" When he got close, he felt Jun Luoxi, and Fatty had already started to call Jun Luoxi with his voice, his tone was anxious, as if he was facing danger.

Jun Luoxi's heart suddenly became tense, and after taking a deep breath, "Huh, Huh", she took out a thin rope from the space ring, only as thick as a little finger, but it was made of soft steel wire.

This kind of rope is stronger than ordinary rope, and for a while, the long sword will continue to chop, so don't be afraid of being tricked by the enemy and cutting the rope at critical times.

After tying the wire rope to a tree trunk, Jun Luoxi wrapped it around himself and began to move down the cliff.

The cliff looks terrifying, but in fact there are many places to stay. It is very easy to find the right location. After a stick of incense, Jun Luoxi found a huge hole with bird droppings under the hole.

This should be the eagle's nest!
Jun Luoxi took the breath-reducing elixir at the entrance of the cave, put away the wire rope, held the blood blade in his hand, wrapped the night pearl in a black cloth, and crept into the cave.

The hole was so big that she didn't need to bend over, she could walk in by straightening her body, but she didn't dare to make a high profile, and walked close to the wall, so that if there was any movement inside, she would be able to find it quickly.

And it is not easy to be found, which is a survival technique.

As she got closer, Jun Luoxi began to hear the cries of eagles and vultures, and she also saw the night pearls scattered in the cave, which seemed to be snatched by eagles. This guy has a high IQ!
In this way, Jun Luoxi didn't dare to act rashly, she cautiously stuck out her head and looked inside.

I saw the vulture stepping on a lamb, tearing off a large mouthful of meat with one mouth, and feeding it to the two little vultures with beaks in the nest. The two vultures were almost the size of human children!
Jun Luoxi was suffocating for breath, it was terrible, as expected of a secret realm, the monsters inside were better than those outside.

Fatty, on the other hand, was squeezed in the middle by two little hawks. From time to time, the little hawks would hand minced meat to its mouth. Obviously, these two little guys regarded it as a toy.

And the big eagle and vulture didn't mean to kill it, probably seeing it was cute, so they caught it back to play with their children.

Jun Luoxi couldn't laugh or cry, but Feifei looked at her from time to time with resentful eyes. The master without conscience, how can it be used as a toy!
(End of this chapter)

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